Getting Out of the Way

Why would I even want
any of this
to be about me?

Why would I promote
a limited identity,
weak and needy,
piteously bargaining
for some (no doubt unearned)
acceptance, recognition?

Who would not prefer
to be in service
to the bright upwelling
of delight, affection,
the overflow of wonder
and the clear intelligence
uplifting both of us
when seen in you, in me?

Why would I not give up
that which holds me chained and cramped
for this divine permission to be free?
Hence this work each day
to set my self aside
for that which glows
as you, as me.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 6, 2015



We imagined
our joy would come
with the conclusion
of our hard efforts,
with the attainment
of our long-strived-for prize

But in fact
our joy had been there
hiding in the bands of shadow
of our suspense,
slipping into the footsteps
of our work,
stalking us

Not waiting for the finish
but for us to notice
it was right there with us
ready to slide around
shafts of hope
into the sunlight.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 5, 2015

The Work at Hand

Madronas at work

What’s required here
is to not be distracted —
The same old hand waves,
of course, will be employed,
and the frantic flashings
of threatened loss
if things should go a certain way.
You’re right to be on edge, we’re told —
The stakes are high

But none of this is true.

The only thing required
is to maintain the steady focus
of what puts us here, of what
maintains our being

The only thing required
is to be quite sure
of our inheritance —
the substance that outweighs the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 24, 2015

Life Work

wetland rose hips

I start to see
my life is more
than finding ways to feel fulfilled,
more than arranging energies,
emotions, thoughts, and movement,
metabolism, focus for my days,
more than finding ways to feel OK

I was made to bear fruit.
My life feels good when,
in essential interaction,
I engage cooperation
with the life around me
and we all thrive

My life is working
when Life’s work
is manifest in me —
The works define
what I’m meant to be.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 8, 2015

Work Day

early moon

Low fog and high stars,
cold of early morning,
wrested good byes
as headlights pull away
and head for traffic,
a plan we sense
nothing is right about

But the highways of thought
have been rushing awhile before this —
Same jarring lights and traffic jams,
same life-suppressing channels

You go, you come
as do the weeks,
the weekends too short
to let the natural pattern in

Days watch,
whether we notice or not
for when the honor of their pace
will be reclaimed.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 30, 2015



They were tired of living on a set,
Tired of days under electric suns
in houses with cardboard walls
with all their plastic food and friends,
their plastic props, their plastic topics

They found themselves longing for loam
with its uncompromising scent,
and wood fire — how these things
cling to your skin and get inside your dreams —
for true work and true harvest

And ways of moving with the land
that leave little need for words,
and no time to worry at
nit-picky issues of their egos
and their relationships —

Finding their unity and their identities
in concert with the present forces
and today’s insistent needs,
the smell of leaves and rain
and the sweet falling to rest
at day’s end.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 22, 2014

The Myth of Money

Brackett's landing, fall

We’ve all spent many weary years
playing “mother may I” to the myth of money.
It’s time to stop.

Who puts a value on our life force?
On our creative impulses and actions?
Who puts a value on our love,
or on our skill, our care, our rapt attention?
Who says we have no value
except what we can monetize?

Each one of us is infinite,
Each has the power to bless,
Each one is worthy of the things we need
to keep us satisfied and well

We have the power
to draw our own true web
to join us hand in hand across the earth.
We don’t need money systems to sustain us,
for that which gives us life
gives us our worth.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 16, 2014


grass sidewalk1

My mind slumps into silence
numbed by my body’s buzz,
the sluggish rumble following
a day’s hard labor. Thoughts
with lives like sparks
rise and dissipate, their continuity
too fleeting to record. My body
reiterates its day’s movements
much as a dog’s feet twitch in sleep

It’s time for quiet. Time for all that
chatter of the flesh
to cease. Time for sensation
to stretch and decompress
and drift towards dream.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 26, 2014

Night in

Articulated Tsunami On Base

There is a time of launching
and a time of waiting . . .
There’s a rhythm here
I need to learn to master

Quiet music and a night in
with the two men of my household
(one reading, one dozing)
may help me ease into release,
the resting, falling segment
of the cycle,
the homeward downhill coast
which takes the gathered energy
and forms it deftly
into what its hopes directed it to be

So I can wait for it,
the effort done,
for gravity will take my work
and bring it home.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 17, 2014

Picture: Articulated Tsunami Vessel on base, by Jennifer McCurdy. Photo by Gary Mirando

Goodbye, Hello

crag tree

Goodbye overflowing, easy joys,
Goodbye the high of bright connection,
Goodbye astonishment of comfort,
and the glow of freely shared affection

Hello craggy upward trail,
expanding vistas promised in the thinning air
Hello strong rush of solar plexus,
heart ascending into deeper care

Goodbye oblivion of needs,
Hello to standing up for what is fair,
Goodbye to pleasure on its own account,
Hello hard work and all its rich rewards

And if I persevere along this climb,
Perhaps at higher turns I’ll come around
to find those older joys have multiplied,
their blessings clear, their purpose
now more sound.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 2, 2014