One who heals

And so being one who heals
may not be as far away as I thought  –
it could be as close as
standing aside enough to
not be in the way of
the rushing acclamation,
the repeated affirmation of being,
the present wholeness that would never
let itself be hidden

Could be that
being one who heals is simply
being one who sees
the manifestly obvious,
the presence of the Spirit
that ever breathes us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 4, 2023


This makes you visible
in dark space
where your being
is a question, a quest,
and your reality
is all the laws of life,
comprising you, constructing you
from the necessity of being:

Before any of the world-building,
or any of the tropes were put in place,
or the agreements about vectors,
about power,
before the definitions, the menu of choices
from which identities may be selected

Before all that, the primal Love
saw you
(in that seeing you were made)
and set you forth visible,
one of the lights defining space.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 16, 2023

Focal distance

Where Spirit sees,
everything is seen,
and everything that’s seen
sees with Spirit’s sight

No object can obscure another,
no shadow can be cast –
to be reflection is to be the light,
and everything is pure reflection here

Nothing waits to see if it is seen –
we know we’re seen by virtue of our seeing –
we know how Spirit shines through us
by seeing how we shine,
see ourselves lit
by that which we light up.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 3, 2023

Ripping the Veil

If stars are pinpricks
in the sheet of night,
if everywhere there is a tear
reveals a burst of light,
if every glimpse of truth
calls forth a clearer sight,
let’s look again to see
what things are made of

Across the waves, across the sky,
in every blink between the views,
there is a place where we can try
to change the focus, find new clues

To rip the veil, to see beyond
the playbook written for our lives,
to where the wonder cracks the seams
and wells up in our hearts and minds,
and from our gait within the rhythmic beat
we have to stop

because this life is far more brilliant
than what we could describe.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 25, 2020


You won’t find this answer
in the room of comparison —
it will expose the sensitive film,
and the image
that would rise up in the still darkness
of your own concentration
will be flooded out,
the alchemy aborted

You will find this answer
only as you learn
to close everything out
except the micro movements
of the present moment
as they unfold in timelessness

In that moment
(who can say how long it takes —
days? years? decades?)
you will see.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 20, 2020

New Sight

I will turn all the pictures in.
I will set my eyes to see
at cross dimensions,
in places that cut between,
that take the same colors
but make of them a wholly different story

Every story told in terms of good and bad
will change to true accounts of fine engagement —
they will sparkle easy grace
and glow with an intensity of depth,
they will shine with courage and surrender —
courage in how much we give for love,
surrender as we recognize
we never need to earn it

There won’t be anything there
that puts us in a bad light,
for there we will be seen for what we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 27, 2019


Two crows fly in tandem
like double vision
till their landing,
geese speak like hinges creaking,
and run when chased,
reluctant to take flight

I wrap my mind around the whole day —
there may be tricks of light
but reality rests in every plane,
on every surface,
heavy like ripe fruit
ready to drop to my touch,
ready to be tasted.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 27, 2018


The man said he saw himself as paint
spread out over the landscape,
he saw himself as if dissolved
but didn’t care

I saw myself as the hills themselves,
and the trees on them, thrusting into sky,
I saw myself as flight itself, as song glide,
comprising all the realm my consciousness could span

I saw myself known, in the sharing of space
with others as vast and as free,
I saw myself knowing them
sweetly and intimately

When we come back with these visions,
what shall we do? How shall we live
in these things that we know to be true?
— Live in the vision, live from the vision,
bring it more clearly in view.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 16, 2018

New Vision

It’s not an ace in the hole,
it’s  not a way to win in this world,
it can’t be used to gain advantage

When you emerge into the radiance
of the great and tender Allness,
you forget those things anyway,
being so caught up
in the unfolding singularity
of each joy-touched moment,
each amazing new awareness

You won’t be able to look back and measure,
but you won’t care, either,
leaving the false for the true.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 6, 2018

Lattice Work

And I am suddenly
looking through the lattice work
of what I had intensely studied,
seeing new views, an opening out in the distance,
the way the structured pattern frames
things it doesn’t even touch,
the way those things
have a life of their own,
dimension and movement far beyond
the frame through which I view them,
a frame which, just a glance before,
I had thought was the only thing to look at.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 2, 2018