
All these words have been said
about healing,  how it is your coming home
to what has always been,
how it’s your awakening
to who you really are

These words are true,  and somewhere
beyond the quick dismissal
and the calculation
that these are pretty thoughts
that somehow don’t apply to you

There is a clarity
that sends its straight lines down
so numerous that they become space,
so powerful  that everything
tingles in their presence

There is a truth that focuses and strengthens,
and in its halo
you are made whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 7, 2020

The Most Important Thing

The very most important thing
cannot be marginalized,
spin doctors’ efforts to dismiss
notwithstanding. All the channels in the world
could be tuned to the intent of
squelching out the truth – through lies
and by ignoring it, and yet

Each of us, in our time, goes down
to the very deepest place,
the place we are alone,
the place where none of the clamor
can reach us – the echoes way up high
at the distant surface have no relevance,
offer no aid

And there, once our own howling dissipates,
we find what’s at the center.
The very most important thing
cannot be marginalized,
and nothing moves against it.
It is the motion, and the stillness,
and the reason for enduring hope.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 7, 2020


I’m here to work out
the problem of waiting,
something like being sure
I’m at the right stop,
or more that I’m scanning
along the right vector

The reign of truth
doesn’t unfurl down the lines of time,
where cause-effect links
are an illusion

What I wait for
has always been here —
it’s my intense intent
to see it present.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 17, 2020

The Clearing Stream

How the situation turned, I see,
is less important
than how my thought is turning —
the still power
that holds beneath the surface,
the calm current
the now dispersing ash reveals

The situation
will pull itself in line,
adjust itself to match the contours
of underlying truth.
It won’t become the truth,
or even truth’s essential measure,
which runs more clear
as these illusions
are washed away.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 11, 2020

Hearing Truth

Our hearts burn because
we all recognize
the truth when we hear it

It sits deep within us
and speaks in the place
where there’s no room for doubt,
speaks in the voice of
what we have always known,
silent, yet unassailable

Our hearts burn
because the truth’s light
reveals their depth –
they shine up its reflection
like moonlight in the bottom of a well.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 28, 2020

Voicing Truth

I’m striving now to learn to use the voice
that says, you don’t need anything –
don’t need to change,
don’t need to have been born
with a different set of genes,
or different circumstances,
you don’t need to earn anything,
you don’t need to be punished.
What you are is just exactly
what you need to be –

I’m striving to find the voice
that knows this clear enough
that when I tell someone this truth
they will believe.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 23, 2020


The gateways to where you want to be
are everywhere. You can find them
in anything that reflects light, in everything
that holds a shadow

You can feel it in the yielding,
the soft give of grace, the melting
of preconceptions into something more liquid,
more bracing

The widening of what you know
of yourself and the world,
that stretches you till you rebound,
perception soaring
to where you see with new and tender eyes,
all things now pure, unburdened from disguise.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 22, 2020

Truth Must Win

The world convulses.
This isn’t the first time a great idea
has lit up the people,
isn’t the first time a simple truth
has sat with dawn-fresh clarity
in people’s minds

That which for centuries
has called itself power
will plan, as ever, to sweep it away
with no thought at all
that there’s any spark
its bluster and trickery
can’t blow out

I will wait quiet.
I will hold this coal,
fuel it with my heart,
I will cherish the thought
that truth must win.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 15, 2020

Always Here

What does it take
for me to fathom
that freedom is mine,
is ours, for the taking?

That no condition can hold us hostage,
that no concerted cavalcade of lies
can mask the present sovereignty of truth?

What does it take to notice
how, in transformation, nothing changes?
how, rather, it’s a shift in focus that reveals
what always has been real
and always here.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 12, 2020

This Trust

I will walk with you
in the trust that can’t be broken,
with faith in the elemental
nature of our being

You may ask, why are we here?
But in that question are assumptions
about both we and here –

Step behind those
and find the answer,
not defined in the channel
down which, river-like,
we tumble and cascade,
but in the source,
unfailing, pure, and infinite,
that sends us out,
that pours us forth.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 11, 2020