What I’m here for

I have these eyes —
this intersection of perception,
this way of seeing

I have this truth at my core
that gives me context
to interpret what is here,
to understand the law
that flows in everything

I have this love
(not made by me
but found in me, as me)
It is my life to be it,
to insist that it illumine
all that I behold,
so bearing witness
with my eyes, my truth, my love
to what I am,
to what we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 2, 2013


Within Love’s infinity
there’s enough 
to craft everything —
enough scope, enough minute attention,
enough mastery, enough variation,
enough presence.
No fear or failure is required
for any true creation.

Here we are.
Here is the current canvas
and the moment’s brushstrokes,
Here is the object of our inspiration,
Here is our power to wield the artist’s tools
and bring each hidden gift to view.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 21, 2013


How can you describe the glimpsing of this truth?

You see it like a deer in the woods,
suddenly revealed by a shift in shadow,
Then it’s gone —
Gone to your eyes at least —
You know it’s there,
and if you focus in just right
you’re sure you’ll see it.

You see it like a color —
white-rimmed mauve upon the water,
flickering and disappearing
till you find its source
in the sunset sky
and then you see it
repeated in great swaths across the lake.

It’s like a snatch of song
So sweet and haunting to your inward ear
But which you can’t quite hum
because you don’t quite know it.
Wait. Be still. You’ve called for it
And so, in its time, it will come.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 19, 2013

A Most Important Thing

At this time of life
depth seems a most important thing —
the balance weights that extend  
below the illusion we call the ground,
the ones that give us
dynamic presence
so we can’t be tumbled
from our own truth.

Though many forces
may push us flat against the ground,
we are not phased
for we rebound,
immediately realign
with what we are,
embody a circumference
that’s wider far
than what we had before believed.

We need this depth
to move with purpose
through the social daze,
We need this size 
to overcome the myth of death.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 7, 2013


I am thankful your desire
is stronger than your will,
stronger than your resolutions,
stronger than anything that I,
in my foolish teaching,
may have installed.
Your desire is a persistent weight
that always, in the end, plumbs true.
It will lead you
to just what you need.
It will feed you
all that completes you,
all that delivers you
to the life-filling purpose
that is you, that is your home.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 31, 2013


I’m putting down roots,
finding anchor
against the dizzy winds,
the strident lying stories
that have swirled us all our lives
as we tried to find meaning
in the vague continuity
offered by their endless repetition.

In the stillness of groundedness
the winds seem harder
but they serve to reinforce
the sense of refuge,
the place of home,
the finding of the solid truth on which I stand,
the rock from which I now shall not be moved.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 27, 2013


In your time
you will find
the sweet imperative,
the nectar you must drink —
the one, right now
that shoots through you like light,
that holds you up
as water holds up herbs
and makes you grow,
ever more unfolding into what you are.

And when it’s done
there’ll be a new imperative —
It will taste different
(the old one will no longer do)
and you will know it from your craving
and how your thirst rises up to meet it
and to crest in satisfaction
as you’re nourished.

This is how we know our way —
we are designed
to want what we most need.
It is the way of everything that lives
and it has worked
for more years than our counting minds can fathom.

Trust your truth!
It will grow ever clearer
as you lean into
the wind of your desire.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 23, 2013


I release you
to the greater parent,
the source of your I Am,
the equilibrium that guides you
from the center of the earth,
the inner light that grounds you to the stars.
What you are has always been
so much greater
than any sense of you I tried to manage.

I release me
to the greater parent,
who will not hold me to my failings
but ever lifts me up
with awe inspiring joy —
tosses me, laughing, towards the sky,
catches me, surely,
in arms that know me as their very own —
sends me out on splendid paths to roam,
brings me to an ever wider home.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 18, 2013

Everyone Gets to Come

Don’t be afraid —
Don’t look ahead in dread
of narrowing life choices,
of chances missed.
It doesn’t matter —
for in the plan of days,
Everyone gets to come.

To the grand reception
of our timeless gifts,
to the celebration
of what we’ve always been,
to the home that holds us
splendid and beloved,
Everyone gets to come.

In the great rapture
of interaction in the moment,
in that enchanting weightlessness
where you can’t tell for sure
if the impulse comes from you
or from another
(though it is yours as surely as you feel it)
In the joy of that transporting,
far beyond what you could know to ask for,
Everyone gets to come.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 16, 2013


The evil beast will get you if it can.
Bear in mind:
It doesn’t have your interests at heart.
If you plea for lenience,
if you consent
to be at its mercy,
if you let it choose the rules,
it won’t choose in a way that favors you.

Stand up! It’s in your nature
to set the boundaries for your life,
to determine who you are
and what your heart designs.
It isn’t your nature
(despite the claims the beast intensely makes)
to let external arguments
define your place.

It may use a smooth and syrupy voice,
but never think
that what you want is sleep,
that you prefer to let what’s done to you
define you.
You know who you are
and you are called, right here, right now
to be that being,
to live your own unique, exquisite truth,
to hold firm in your singular perception
that balances the turning of the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 31, 2013