
I’m amazed
at the stillness
of that which refuses to argue,
refuses to engage
with any of the hooks,
which, in fact, offers
a reality that counters
even all the stridently opposing views

It silences them utterly,
presenting, as it does,
a mode of being that precludes
any of the self-promoting sides.

The arguments of
everything that’s wrong
have nothing more to say
before the simple presence
of what’s right.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 1, 2019

Setting Sail

With great effort, I practice
what I don’t even try for with dreams —
that waking up and seconds later
forgetting everything, feeling the shift
into the day’s perspective,
deep sigh of steadying, reset,
to feel the flush of energy
take hold, like well filled sails,
to launch me forward in pursuits at hand

I take the effort, thus,
to reset my impressions,
my conclusions, my opinions —
on noticing the ways
they’ve boxed me in, and bent me down,
to let them go, forget them all,
and set my sails for winds of truth to fill.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 25, 2019

Casting out demons

When I consider how
the cause and effect
in all of this,
each flowing stream,
each footfall,
each sprig of early springing green
is Love,
it’s easy, then, to understand
that nothing is left out,
no demons needed
to guard the chasms,
to hold the terror
in some fierce and awful
bargain of control

No need for demons
and no need for hiding —
each loved idea walks freely,
centered, whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 1, 2019


Let the silence settle
through the clear, cold water,
let the ripples gleam in winter sun

There could be a long time
where nothing is said
while the sun sets early
and the moon is already high

There is a truth
which shows itself without words,
there is a knowing
that is like light patterns —
silent, but still expressive,
or lilting in voice when it sings.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 19, 2018

Each Moment

It wasn’t explained to us.
In fact, it was a secret,
guarded, mostly, by misdirection
though somewhat, too, by outright lies

We didn’t know how each moment rises
to meet the kiss of truth, the sun-warmed love —
bright ripple radiating outward
in the moment’s consummation

Each moment of each being,
morning, and evening, and at noon,
out and out along the gleaming sands of day.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 7, 2018

Light Rules

Having walked once
on the shore where light rules,
we see it everywhere,
and in the quiet of the scrish of sand
give up our battles

There is no need to fight
over the relative presence
of light — no person or way of thinking
owns it. It owns every landscape
where it appears. It will always,
bring itself forth.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 28, 2018


Two crows fly in tandem
like double vision
till their landing,
geese speak like hinges creaking,
and run when chased,
reluctant to take flight

I wrap my mind around the whole day —
there may be tricks of light
but reality rests in every plane,
on every surface,
heavy like ripe fruit
ready to drop to my touch,
ready to be tasted.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 27, 2018


There are those who will take measure
but we won’t be measured. We will refuse
to participate in that game

Foxes may call to each other across the fields,
they may mark out territory.
We will not take sides

There is a truer place for us
than the field in which these things are measured.
We have a worth deeper
than ground, than soil, than earth.
Our being is rooted in the firmament
from which we will not be moved.
There is no limit to our love.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 2, 2018