One Touch

Cradle me, let your arms
be a touchpoint, take me back
to where I don’t remember
but feel like I could —

This holding that shows me
that I am beloved,
my perfect belonging
wholly assured

(If there is one body
then there is one touch
that all of us yearn for
and each one can give)

No need to settle
for that which is partial,
provisional, grudging,
for sometime acceptance

Let this touch assure you, too,
that you have always
been welcome here.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 14, 2018

Touch Wisdom

Touch teaches tenderness,
teaches bones to soften their approach,
teaches the curl of the snuggle that,
coming in close and quick,
still doesn’t crash

Touch teaches affection
regardless of intent —
even mundane creature care
(diapers and washing)
leaves a connection that lingers
after the touch is released

My cerebral world taught me
the mind must decide first
if touch has been earned, is permitted,
but now my helping arms have learned
touch doesn’t need a reason.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 9, 2017


In feeding we are fed,
In meeting we are met,
In every act of willingness
to come forth empty to the touch point,
we are filled

The fountain rises bubbling
from the awe-struck rock,
The flames burst out
from the friction’s spark,
The inspiration rushes
suddenly and steadily
into the open space
prepared by humbleness
for great paths of wind
sweeping into the deepest chambers,
touching the quick,
igniting swift
life fire within.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 20, 2014