
Things unravel
that were never fiber,
that turn out not to have
even the substance of thread
or the chain of a story

They dissolve like dreams in the morning,
and my footing, too, must realign itself
to day’s dimensions, to gravity’s

Every unraveling is a reveal –
that which is there after it’s gone
will teach us substance.
Our being there after it’s gone
shows us our place.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 6, 2022


Things go through changes  –
clouds turning in on each other
drifting beyond the wires,
moon in its cycles,
changing its timing and size

Some processes are light
and some are forceful  –
wind and gravity,
flood and fire

And in their crucible,
that which never changes
emerges pure,
again and again remembered,
transfigured, rendered …

It is the same with us,
these days, these seasons,
as we sweep through these great flows
and reemerge.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 12, 2022

True Gifts

When freed from their shells
the gifts course through you,
providing structure
responsive as trees,
springing with their corded light
to bud as life,
remaining in your memory
as part of who you are

These gifts can’t miss or fade –
they will multiply
in what you are
and what you give in turn.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 8, 2022

What we are made of

Joy is our carbon,
what we pull from air,
what we use to grow our essence,
what we use to make home
and sanctuary,
shelter and support
for all that we hold dear

We pull joy from the air
and give off that which blesses
other life, and, too, ourselves

Everything we’ve ever made
we’ve made from joy –
it is our gift, our legacy, our contribution.
Joy’s traces will forever show
where we have lived.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 28, 2022


I hear of dark matter
and I think “doesn’t matter”
and I hear of anti-matter
and I want to use the term
for things I shouldn’t think about  –
things that not only don’t matter
but do harm with their vacuity,
distracting my mind from noticing
what I really need to see

I won’t even mention them now,
for though you think you want to know,
I won’t be responsible
for magnifying things
I wouldn’t want to think about
when there is so much wonder
that can otherwise
occupy your thought.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 31, 2021

Seven days of manna

One is eating daily of the manna,
Two is understanding what it means,
Three is being nourished by the bright truth
of being loved too deeply
ever to be dropped

Four is growing with the promise
that every wilderness provides –
that you are never empty when you look up,
that you can trust your ever present guide

Five is the steady rain of blessings,
Six, unstoppably, is the desire to share,
Seven, resting as the gift multiplies  –
the shining truth of substance always there.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 17, 2021


It was everything you ever wanted,
It was nothing you ever outlined,
It was the magic content
of all the things you thought
were most desirable,
which those things sometimes delivered
but could never guarantee

It was a thing that had no name,
for all the names had been used up
on things you thought could maybe
(if you were lucky,
or if you were smart)
give you what you wanted

When you found it,
for a long time you were speechless –
How could you talk about
something that was everything,
that satisfied your every hope?

©Wendy Mulhern
April 5, 2020

Life Power

In the dream, the little girl
pulled the shining life jewels
right out of the air,
and when others scrambled for them,
reaching out in desperation
for the ones that pulsed with power,
she seemed surprised. “It’s right here,”
she said. She opened up her hand
and pulled out more

On waking, and in latter days,
I find that what she said is true —
It’s right here — infinity of life power
waiting to be pulled out from the air,
waiting to be lived.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 18, 2019


The river calls its tributaries —
they are drawn to the flow —
all water follows
by virtue of what it is

Of water moved by Spirit
we are formed, we are born,
we are borne along the course prepared

Of water and of Spirit
we find ourselves
new as this breath,
steady as the presence of the infinite.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 7, 2019

All That Is

Health springs up
from the same place
that life springs up,
from the same source
of all thought
which is all action

You spring up
every day, every moment,
from the source of yourself
which is infinite

And nothing can be placed
except as it is thought,
except as it is known
and as it’s loved

And nothing blocks
the power of presence,
nothing can impede
the All That Is.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 9, 2019