
Still have nothing to say
despite the lushness
of mist-cloaked May,
and the blackbirds yesterday,
vociferous in evening sun

I’ve been treating my mind like a library
of books already read,
feeling no urge
to look at them again

Perhaps more fruitfully
my mind can act as blackbird,
evening sun calm
along my wings.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 18, 2022

End of April

It’s easy to find beauty
at the soft end
of these soft wet days,
to think fondly of lullabies
and summoning a household peace,
gently combing out the tangles
of fear and worry, smoothing them away

Late sun comes out pink under the clouds,
rain still trickles off the roof
and out the overflowing tank,
reflections of inside lights
hover above the garden as we
put April to bed for another year.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 30, 2022


Awaken all my molecules,
lead me as a swarm, a convocation,
incite me in unison  – I will move
not by directive but by acclamation

There is one Spirit
filling every here,
and as it moves,
everything does

This is ubiquitous as spring,
common and miraculous  –
it touches us each in a singular way,
it touches us all the same.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 11, 2022

Find me here

So sweet it is to find
how spring touches everything,
here, just as where we were before –
how light affirms
that each of us has our opening,
our place to bloom, our fragrance –

Home springs out from our breath and our movement,
taking in the present blessing,
blessing each place where we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 5, 2022


A persuasion as delicate as
the scent of spring – the subtle catch
it has, on my hope, my longing –
would certainly be the thing
to lead with, the thing that would encourage you
to look up, look away
from rutted tracks, unthinking expectations

And see soft tendrils greening,
showing, by their reaching,
the existence of something we can’t see
but which they know is there
by the way the force within them
sends them hopeful and confident
to their source of nourishment  and strength.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 10, 202


The newly leafed out aspens
shimmer their leaves in the wind,
the newly planted lindens do the same,
May sweeps across the dial like a sun,
opening everything

Bracken ferns leap up,
suddenly taller than six year old trees,
irises unfurl, and glow, and curl,
berry blossoms peak among the leaves

It is a time to realign
our sense of what’s important  –
thoughts like old stalks overcome
by the rising green,
old habits crumbling
like last year’s  bracken,
new strength maturing
like the wakened trees.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 14, 2021

Seasonal Facts

We are reminded that, this time of year,
starry nights can still mean frosty mornings,
pipes can freeze,  precautions should be taken

Which seems hard to remember
in this last glowing part of afternoon,
the sun, hovering above the hills,
soaking everything with gold,
here where I’ve tucked the north wind
behind a corner
for the full impact of warmth.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 12, 2021

Spreading Out

Less than a month till the Equinox  –
bluebirds and robins and juncos
come through, flitting in flocks
among the T-posts and dried stalks,
showing their particular
flashes of feathers,
they, like us, having passed
under the low bars of winter,
spreading out now,
reaching and yearning
for the longer warmer days.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 27, 2021