This lambent moment
at the singing creek
reminded me of source
and the upwelling peace
that washes thought
and lets hope’s tendrils rise.
©Wendy Mulhern
September 7, 2023
This lambent moment
at the singing creek
reminded me of source
and the upwelling peace
that washes thought
and lets hope’s tendrils rise.
©Wendy Mulhern
September 7, 2023
A place you might choose
to be by yourself,
a place of quiet, and of soaring
feasts for the eyes,
a place you might be still
until you feel
the source streams that connect you –
how their energy
holds you up straight,
gives you the power to move
You shift into
deeper awareness of their constancy,
how you can move now
strongly and with certainty
No step alone
but fully in the flowing
of this dynamic life
which is your being,
and why you’re here.
©Wendy Mulhern
August 3, 2023
We, too, stand and let the light glow through us,
we, too, are formed in this communion,
we, too, reach out and grow,
nourished by what shines on us,
what shines us
And that compelling brilliance
you may see for just a moment
is really what we are, all of the time.
We stay attuned to this,
for this is all we need,
all we need and all we really know.
©Wendy Mulhern
April 12, 2023
And if you seek a meaning
somewhere deep beneath the surface,
if you seek a core, a source,
a point that doesn’t move
with winds or time or changes of the light,
as you’re coming closer
you will know you hope to find
what touches you, and what you touch,
as home
It is a well known feeling,
it’s a tune
around which symphonies are written –
when you hear them,
you will circle, you will settle,
and your peace
will ring out like a truth you’ve always known,
will sound you as a song that is your own.
©Wendy Mulhern
February 16, 2023
Memories flicker like lights
in the fire, in the windows’ reflections,
and their reflections of each other’s light,
dimmer, smaller, greener
in more distant iterations
The lights were real, and they still are,
however faintly I perceived them then,
however tenuous they may seem now
They may not light or warm me on their own,
but they do show me
the constancy of light through all my times,
which, when I turn to now,
lights up my present,
and also all the tunnels of my past.
©Wendy Mulhern
February 4, 2023
I can almost touch
the sun-colored ripples,
when they come close, by my shoulder –
reminder of my essence and my source
So I remember:
my intimacy comes from there,
the present shimmer
gives me my constant light
No need to throw myself headlong,
down among the shadowed rocks
of circumstance, of social history,
of old and current wounds –
there is no comfort there, no guidance,
there’s no solution there, no truth
And since the truth is here,
I will not leave. When I am tempted to,
I will be still, and bask. I will be still
and draw, from my life source,
all that I need,
and all I ever want.
©Wendy Mulhern
February 2, 2023
As I seek a way
to smooth the river of your voice
so it runs clear,
the way I’ve always heard it up till now,
I know it can’t be words I use
(for stones, however well placed,
won’t stop the rush,
won’t still the turbulence)
Instead I lean in to our source,
the Principle, the essence of our being,
I name that as the cause
of everything we hope,
and all we strive for,
and all we do –
I let that be the course
for all our currents,
and all that runs
must hence run true.
©Wendy Mulhern
November 30, 2022
Look to your source –
it shouldn’t be that hard to remember:
What you are comes from there,
what you do comes from there
You are not made of what you’ve bounced off of,
what you collided with,
what you grew up under
Your thoughts and actions
aren’t reactions
to what you see and hear
or what is done to you
Your source determines
all your quality, all your direction,
and all your flow.
Your actions can be free and clear,
your heart unsullied
and your life aglow.
©Wendy Mulhern
October 9, 2022
Turns out it’s not too much to ask
to be formed anew each day,
to let all my being be the fountain
of the surge of my source, all of it
determined by its power, its essence,
its choice, moment by moment
All my artifice washes away
in the first rush. I try to be tender
in teaching myself to let go
of what my fists are holding,
to let the cleansing stream
course through my fingers
and not hold anything but the experience
of the standing wave of me.
©Wendy Mulhern
January 6, 2022
Well, I have to remind myself each morning,
have to go back to it again
however many times in the day
I feel myself slipping
Follow the cause lines back
through the tendrils of my longing
and the flitting lights of my desire,
under and over the fears and blocked places
back to where the light comes clear
and the desire flames without guttering,
and everything in my being
that needs to be nourished
finds its connection to what feeds it
I have to go back
so I can start from there,
so what I am can flow freely
all the way down to where I find myself,
all the way through to what fills my days
with the giving of my gift
and the holy song of praise.
©Wendy Mulhern
October 2, 2021