
Last light across the field,
glory again revealed  –
day by day we wend our way
toward gracious

What we see outside, within,
unveiled across the hours,
across the years –
the opportunity to see it glow with grace
in every beat of presence
steadily appears

Where we are now, partially unformed,
we’re still beloved  –
this early space where things seem messy
still reveals the lovely stuff we’re made of,
and shows the processes whereby
we rise to meet what loves us,
always welcome,
always welcomed home.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 15, 2023


To sow the seed,
to find the fertile soil,
I need to leave the wayside  –
stop trafficking in rutted expectations,
bills of goods we’ve sold ourselves,
cynics’ worldly trade

And I need to get beyond the rocky ground,
and thorns, springing up to choke the green –
superficial judgments of what others are,
temptation nagging me
to play the games

To see the wonder of the seed’s growth,
multiplication beyond the world’s belief,
I need to find the mystery
of the depth of love,
which blossoms every time
our hearts meet.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 11, 2023


As people remember world shaking events, and ask each other “where were you at the time?”
so they are saying, one to another,
“what was it like for you?”
in the dawning of this, the Jubilee

But no one has loudspeakers, gathering crowds
for orations and punditry here  – instead
it is like the quiet chime
of a tuning fork, and all the strings,
(one within each of us)
clear in their closeness, majestic
in their joining,
vibrate their accord
and the following harmonies,
on and on, the diapason
ringing into the stillness
of bright fresh morning.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 1, 2023

Upon the mountains

The beauty of feet is their precision
along the mountain paths,
the way they leap along the stones
and land deftly
each rugged step,
and how they never falter,
for they move in the good news
they are bringing. And they bring
the peace that supplants time,
establishing its own flow
of unlabored unfolding,
each moment holy

The messenger reaps joy
from truth-placed feet.
All who hear the message
bless them, too.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 23, 2022


We all curl back from everything
we have called our days,
we all roll up in recollection,
in gratitude or in misery,
in peace or in regret  –
at this grand reckoning
none of that even matters

All the names we called ourselves,
and what, reflecting those, we called others,
all our fears, facades, and tears
fall together, tumble in
to be smoothed, to be cradled,
to be rendered

And what we all become
is all we’ve ever been
and everything we’ve dreamed for –
what we are has proved itself to be
our ticket home.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 26, 2022

In Heavenly Love – a vision

In heavenly love
you open out your arms
and all the little animals come running
to dive into your lap, into your aura,
to snuggle there in bliss

Everyone says, let’s go up to the mountain,
and so they go, and as they climb,
they are filled up with heavenly love.
When they are full, they turn and sit,
and open out their arms,
and everyone is drawn –
drawn to the light, drawn to the love

When they are full, they also turn
and open out their arms,
and soon the whole mountain
is radiant as a star –
it sends its light out
and pulls everyone in.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 1, 2022

My Father’s world

I must remind myself
my Father’s world is kinder
than the one that I grew up in  –
my failures, glaring though they are
do not require an unrelenting penance

I need only turn –
my honest self awaits,
humble and attentive and responsive,
wholly furnished and appointed
to reflect.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 23, 2022

What has saved us

We each will be grateful
for what has saved us,
for what has proved to be our swing
bearing us steadily up
after our fall,
when we shattered through the bottom
of our fears, and lay there, desolate

Each of us found it there,
the broad, abiding presence,
the sense of not alone,
the sweet nourishment
of being cradled –
when we shouldn’t have, couldn’t have lived,
there we were,
and it means everything to us

And if you haven’t fallen,
have no fear –
in time you will be given
everything you need

You may think you don’t want it –
that’s OK – your knowing will still come for you –
you’ll find it,
in your perfect time and perfect way.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 4, 2022

Like this

This is how you are vindicated,
this is how you are washed clean,
this is how you are lifted

A truth bigger than your arguments,
a goodness with no argument at all,
a love that loved you
before any quid pro quo,
and loves you now
touches down, becoming
everything you ever thought about,
all you ever wanted.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 22, 2022


Let me lay down these strokes of absolution
like paint, colors sinking deep
into the paper, spreading out
at the edges of the lines,
color changing what you thought
had been the story, what you thought
was the starting point,
color saturating you until
you are wholly changed  –
no untouched spaces,
every part rendered brilliant,
none neglected,
none shut out

And whatever amends are called for,
you are now well equipped
to make them, cozied up,
as you are, in the inclusion
of every last corner of you
in the color that’s given you,
the love that is yours.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 15 2022