First thing in the morning

Here at the feet of the breath and the rhythm,
breath of calm centering,
rhythm of thought,
focused attention and time to reflect on
the lessons that listening brought

Depth of the peacefulness,
scope of the harmony,
place where the stillness is heard,
fast tempo chatter, empty or passionate,
silenced inside of the Word.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 16, 2023

My Mom Visits

These rhythms run so deep.
Beneath my conscious thought or gesture,
mine and yours have found each other
before I even noticed they were there

It could be our own private world,
could be what marks us as bone of bones.
It’s easy to fall into patterns
where these lines so seamlessly flow

Could be I come by that honest –
these ways I am me,
these things others see,
and it could be these rhythms
are how we’re entrained
to the grand sweeping rhythm of All.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 15, 2023


My world is full of sounds at play –
phrases flit frivolous through my day:

“Pot and matches, pot and matches
go together like a plot that hatches “

(it’s a mnemonic,
it’s not symphonic,
and it isn’t about smoking –
it’s for making oatmeal)

With a spoon and a bowl
and a sprinkle of soul
and a knife and a fork
and equations for torque

Through the rain and the sun
with the work never done
but the days ever full of their splendor
and lines that would do well to end here.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 12, 2020

In the sun and the wind

After the rolling rhythm of riding,
before my biped gait,
I will bask in the ponderous rhythm of ocean,
the unhurried fall,
the patient wait

I can rest in this,
the time it takes for the flood of the wave,
its choreographed return,
meeting the next wave,
ducking down in,
the pattern repeating
far down the beach

Swallows, too, and gulls,
add their rhythm,
here in the sun and the wind.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 9, 2019

Seeking my Daily Poem

Rhythms from people’s words
float through my drifting thought,
cadences of voices
with all the meaning
transmuted into something
that will be dreams later,
after I give up
my hold on the day

Night wants to claim me,
my eyes feel
this is a good idea.
I’m holding out for inspiration
but maybe it’s here.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 18, 2017