
Can the world really change?
Can a massive sanity
Descend like mist
Be breathed collectively
Till we regard each other
With dew-touched eyes
And realize
This is what we always knew
And we can have it?
Can courage spread
As chemical reaction
A wave of instant change
So we say no
To all oppression
To everything we’ve always loved?
If a day can be a touchstone
And everyone decides
To come as one
What does it matter
If the calendar has caused it
Or the stars
It is our choice
It is our hearts
That come together
Where we are.

©Wendy Mulhern

Inner Strength

It’s hardly morning yet, but you wake up
to consciousness fast chased by overcast —
the inner stories laying out your challenges,
your pain, and how you’ll never be enough . . . 
As you pause to try and summon inner strength
consider this:
Beneath the weight of all the stories
What woke this morning is the spark of you
which rises like a giant
throwing off those stagnant lies
like blankets
or cracking through their concrete 
like a swelling seed
sending streams of strength
through your limbs and loins
a steady rushing brightness
that must change you from inside
until you own your inner strength 
and so abide.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 17, 2011


We’ve been trained
these many years
not to ask for much —
That we don’t deserve —
That we have no right to expect
daily abundance and joy
That to receive it
we must earn it
through great toil and sacrifice

Worse than that
we’re taught that it’s OK
to wish to have, to win
to rape, to dominate
to blindly flail, mindlessly mouth
the words of hate
That if we strive to beat each other
we’ll be great

So it is
that the first revolution
is within
To see we have the right
to be at peace
to have a world designed to bless
where each of us can know 
that we deserve
to have our lives be cherished 
    recognized as gifts
not weighed for what they pay 
    and then perhaps begrudgingly allowed

And as we give this to each other
we will learn
how it is done
how we can sculpt a greater vision
so we know what’s to be won
and then we’ll march unhesitating
shining whole before we’re through
for the sake of billions waiting
standing strong because we’re true.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 15, 2011

The People’s Mic

The people’s mic
moves in waves
and all who touch the words
are touched:
As they repeat
the voice comes from within
and so becomes their own
It shines with their own truth
Gains strength
like rolling surf
that crests and crests
They find that they are one
The people
and they know
that this is real
No further lies
will ever steal this moment
when the wave of oneness
crashes inside and resounds
bounding and echoing from Wall Street to here
waking us up.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 14, 2011

Isaiah 52:3

ye have sold yourselves for nought. . . .  
ah, verily
we have sold ourselves for a bargain:
our communities 
     for low prices at Costco
our neighborhoods 
     for hundreds of channels on Comcast
our livelihoods 
     for cheap wares from China . . . 
sackcloth and ashes!
     for we have not been conquered
     no brave stand against the cannons
     no soul bracing acts of raw courage
we just sat here.

ye have sold yourselves for nought,
and ye shall be redeemed without money.
we shall not be bought!
    we shall be redeemed
with that which can’t be bought
but can be given.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 10, 2011

Political Interlude

I remember being in high school and thinking that Anwar Sadat was a good man.  A man who was making peace in the world’s implacable places.  I remember thinking the same thing about Henry Kissinger.

I later heard that maybe Henry Kissinger didn’t have the good of the people in his sights in the way I had believed.  I heard that Hosni Mubarak, though harder for us to deal with, might better represent the will of the people than Anwar Sadat had.  I’ve come to think it’s very hard to know what’s true about what’s going on in the world.

The people in Egypt seem to be exhilarated by their successful uprising.  It’s hard to know how it all will come out.  When Gorbachev dismantled the Soviet Union, I thought it would be a good opportunity for democracy to take hold.  But instead of offering support in the building of democracy’s infrastructure, we offered hyperselfish capitalism – the worst possible influence of the west.  The rhetoric at the time was that we were being ambassadors for western freedoms.  What we sold, in a new package, was the same old freedom to exploit.  At least, that’s what it looked like to me.  What do I know?

The best I can do is hope that the time is really right for the freedoms the Egyptian people are tasting, and that we don’t somehow go barging in there to mess things up.
In Egypt they rejoice to see a change
Though what will come of it is far from clear
What power moves to fill the vacuum may
Be those who subjugated folks before
And yet the people say the fear has lifted
That now, no matter what, they know they’re free
They feel their noble hearts will work a shift
Towards openness and greater equity
Perhaps it’s in their power to redeem us
Wake us from our jaded cynicism
The waning comfort of complacent lives
Make us stand with them, now that they have risen
Truth over comfort could yet make its claim
We could learn courage once again from them.

©Wendy Mulhern
 February 12, 2011