
The evil beast will get you if it can.
Bear in mind:
It doesn’t have your interests at heart.
If you plea for lenience,
if you consent
to be at its mercy,
if you let it choose the rules,
it won’t choose in a way that favors you.

Stand up! It’s in your nature
to set the boundaries for your life,
to determine who you are
and what your heart designs.
It isn’t your nature
(despite the claims the beast intensely makes)
to let external arguments
define your place.

It may use a smooth and syrupy voice,
but never think
that what you want is sleep,
that you prefer to let what’s done to you
define you.
You know who you are
and you are called, right here, right now
to be that being,
to live your own unique, exquisite truth,
to hold firm in your singular perception
that balances the turning of the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 31, 2013

Turn Away

Turn away —
Do you have to see each hook,
each place along the ladder
where each of us has been
so deftly tethered?

(Most of us don’t even try
to find release,
deeming the resulting fall
too perilous a risk)

Turn away,
for you don’t need to fight the structure,
You only need to cease to give it life.
Turn away
by turning towards your truth, your love,
Walk there
and all the hooks will fade.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 24, 2013


We will slide
with the weight of water
out from the grasp
of all that sought to hold us.
We will collect in pools,
we will run in rivulets,
very quietly at first.

We will hide
in soft hollows
and be taken up by roots.
We will engage in cycles
that can’t be regimented.
We will use the tools
that can’t be taken from us —
gravity and surface tension,
super qualities inherent in our molecules.

Without our presence, all the structures —
every edifice of fear and guilt,
all the avenues of shame and blame,
all the lies that say we need their toxic brew —
will tend towards dust, becoming very dry,
will grow more brittle, and will start to fail.
It won’t be long before they blow away
and cease to plague our world.

We will slide softly
but with growing power.
We will build with what’s alive.
We’ll own our moments
and claim our hours,
and in our reclaimed truth,
we’ll thrive.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 4, 2013

Riding the beast

The lengths of highway
flex their strength
like muscular snakes.
We who have thought 
they lived to serve us
start to feel our big mistake,
Start to sense how trapped we’ve been
in the grid of roads,
in the grid of time,
in the grip of (up till now)
unquestioned rules
that say we have to ride the snakes
and serve the hours 
and not complain
when (for our safety)
more and more of liberty
is locked away.

If we are to escape,
we must slide, softly,
off the back of what we have been riding,
Find ourselves together off the grid,
Build the places in between
until they make new paths
for all our energies.
Let the beast grow old and still
through lack of use,
Give our every effort to our truth.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 25, 2013

Ark Building

We have our instructions:
In the face of great violence,
build an ark.

So much violence in the land,
no one is even talking about it
afraid, as they may be,
of bringing down the wrath upon their heads,
lulled, as they may be,
by the vehemence of misdirecting tales

Violence to the land,
Violence to the people,
Violence to their structures of support:
Build an ark.

Make it out of circles of our arms,
Make is out of clear communication,
Make it from the habit
of open-hearted caring,
Make it with room for everyone

Make it out of work that serves the earth,
that builds the chains of life supporting life,
Make it from our trueness,
Make it with our hearts,
Make it from the clearness of our vision.

Build the ark.
Let all the creatures in —
No point in a war against the violence —
As we build, our worth will lift us up
Upon the sea that reconfigures all.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 23, 2013


Though we had imagined
a grand falling
attended, perhaps, by fire
and much bloodshed —
courageous sacrifice
to stand against the roaring maw —
and finally, colossal crashing,
followed by
a slow and tenuous rebuilding,

In the end
it was more a transformation,
a subtle redefining, a soft shifting,
something felt within the bones,
which then was seen in a great clearing —
dissolving of a shroud
(to our astonishment)
that we, up to that point,
had thought was sky —

And all the things
that never quite made sense
were then revealed
and so we claimed our place,
regenerated, healed.

© Wendy Mulhern
June 12, 2013

Not what we thought

We are the beings who fly
with our minds,
the ones who see the underlying patterns,
expressions of the matrix
of all the rolling powers,
everything that moves
in the stately flow
afforded by eternity,
infinitely fast or slow,

We are the beings who find the fulcra
where the patterns turn,
and with our understanding,
we can touch them
so they bloom
into ever more involved unfoldment
Not hemmed in by these,
the temporary forms we thought defined us,
not condemned to stumble blind
amid the powers that bind us

We are the beings who ride,
standing, reins in hand,
down the face of nature’s spirals
Let us remember
We are not helpless,
not what we thought.
When we hold strong
in humbleness and service,
We’re so much more.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 2, 2013


I’m ready
to take down all the bars
I want a permaculture
of cuddle
I want to hug
all the people on the city street
I want to catch each eye
And feel the bright exchange of recognition —
Smooth rippling surge connecting us
before we touch —
I want the hug to come as echo —
Warm confirming of the surge’s message —
And for each release to send
encouragement and strength
for anywhere they might be headed next

It would take a long time
to walk fifth avenue
But think how rich we all would be!
I would smell of cigarettes and perfume,
Coffee and garlic
And I wouldn’t mind.
I don’t want anyone, anymore, to not know how,
To not feel free to cuddle all the time.
It would be a permaculture
for our hearts
And we would spread our potent roots
all through the land.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 23, 2013

Natural processes

The organism moves to heal itself
to fill in gaps
And to make whole
its pattern of movement
And when it is restricted
it will move against those bonds
repeatedly, inexorably
Directing all its energies
to crash against whatever chains it
or hems it in

It needs the wholeness of its movement
Just as it needs the wholeness of its body
Needs to be free
to fill the sweeping arcs
for which it is designed

It will break through
Or it will find a way
to move beneath the barrier
And there
Soft and persistent and unmoldable as water
It will wear away the walls
until they fall.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 28, 2013

Prayer at the End of Days

Spirit, be a rock under my feet,
For these sands are flowing hard against me.
Hold me with your steady hand,
Unite me with your center,
Give me strength to stand
Against the seething flood of matter.
Be so clear
That all these tidal flows
Will fail to grab me in their undertow.
Let them only serve to bring illusion down
That I may stand in freedom
Knowing Truth alone.
Hold us all, that as the turbid turbulence subsides,
We all will stand together
Seeing new, clear-eyed.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 19, 2013