Truth’s Battle


When faced with truth,
why does the lie
continue to assert itself?
Why does it cry
with added vehemence,
why does it escalate violence?

When faced with truth
the lie does what it always does —
proceeds to blithely mouth itself,
pretends that volume
will give it substance

Keep holding truth! The lie
has no power of its own.
After all, it isn’t true.
The lie can only gain ascendance
in the chamber of other lies

Once people taste the truth
they must believe it
so keep holding on
and truth will win.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 22, 2016

Prayer Works


“You don’t stand a chance
against my prayers”
— Robbie Robertson, Ghost Dance

Let’s understand this.
The coarse bravado
that says prayers are useless
has only won provisionally
when those who hear it let it in
and in discouragement
don’t pray

When beings pray,
the contact of power
brings infinity into the place, the moment.
There’s nothing that can overcome it,
for its whisper also speaks
within the silent walls of hearts

Prayer can speak to
who was called enemy
from the inside
as epiphany, as common sense,
as what they’ve always understood.
They can’t stand against it
because it speaks as them.
In this we are one, in this we win.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 1, 2016



misty trees

Whether or not you get to choose what happens,
you always have the choice
how you feel about it. Not to recommend
some sort of tortured mind game,
a mental strong-arming,
a set of taut constructs

But you have the choice
to stop and look,
you have the choice to not
go down the cataract
with all your wild emotions,
you have the choice to stand there
in the tumble of them
and wait

And you have the choice
to stand still
and let the pool of you
fill with your essence,
and you can use that —
all that overflowing light —
to find your way out.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 13, 2016

My Choice

sovereign trees

Today I choose sovereignty.
I will take the time
to sit down into this truth,
to feel the weight of it,
to feel the power.

No one else is here
in my consciousness,
no one to declare that I am helpless,
no one else to set up obstacles
it says I must surmount,
no one to lay blame,
no one to say I don’t have control
of my being

Yes I surrender
to something larger
than what I think of as myself.
I don’t surrender that surrender
to anything else.

I surrender to the Allness
and take up my sovereignty
in the true reflection of the One.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 29, 2016

Breaking Through

up at winter trees

You have permission
right now
to leave behind your paper life,
your paper and cardboard life,
your brittle or sodden life
with its sad messes
of glue and peeling paint

You have permission to embrace
that thumping and insistent life
that shakes the old foundations
and breaks through

You never were beholden
to the protocol
of all those stiff facades.
Your roots cleave to the earth’s core
and your branches —
your branches clasp the sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 8. 2016


Carkeek reflections(or how to heal the world)

There is no grid of time or space
through which we move,
tracked along the x axis
through the highs and lows
of daily random y’s

These lines bend at our will,
we hold them, gathered,
in our hands,
we roll them out
through all the planes of consciousness —
they move at our command

We are not in the world, rather,
the world is in us,
so in the steadying of ourselves,
we steady it —
we calm it, reassure it, and set it
gently on its course.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 20, 2016

Walking to the Jail

grass and sidewalk

My soft-shod feet
fall quietly
along the pavement,
then the gravel, then the curb I balance on

A metal door rolls open to admit
a young athletic cyclist
into a dark spire of glass and steel
that makes its statement
between the water and the freeway
shadowing the scruffy grasses
where homeless people pitch their tents

I walk along the edges of the city,
don’t see many people, though the land
is all but absent underneath the influence

I walk along the edges of the system, too —
not caught up in the hum of jobs and money,
not forced to be here, not incarcerated,
not forced either, to buy in
to all the ways that I could be constricted

I feel a watchfulness around my eyes
but not much commentary. A phrase
flits through my thought:
“so many different flavors of slavery”
but I don’t pursue it

There’s a way I walk through here
where I see something else —
the power inherent in each set of eyes
to melt away all kinds of walls
through the simple and singular truth
of I Am.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 21, 2015

For Susanne

cherry blooming

(from our conversation)

We come to discover
(again and again, it seems)
that there is nothing we can gain
by iron will, by lining up
the vectors and the dominoes of force,
by straining, with the tension of our eyebrows
(ache in our eye sockets from sharpness of the focus)
for what we feel is right

We learn that in our present love,
so constantly re-flooded
by new unfolding wonder,
revealings of the bud, the bloom, the leaf,
the smile, the creativity, the insight —
In this response, the love that feeds us
even as we give it,
is all the power to open out the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 19, 2015


rb tree trunks

Realizing today
(balancing along on a curb,
wind blowing through the city,
clouds clearing)
that strength is in cohesion,
capacity to spread the load
along a span, to share
the impact

in the unity that sends
the darting signal coursing,
wing tip to wing tip, humming
down the bow-taut curves,
every inch in tune,
harmonized, alive

Strength is not in isolation,
not in hardness, not in standing out
amidst a crowd —
It’s in the giving of one’s currents
to the whole, the glad surrender
of one’s atoms
to the grand red rover
of oneness with the team.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 9, 2014



I want what I want.
My desire is my own.

No one can make me not want
what I want,
No one can make me
want what I don’t.

A simple truth,
a spinning shape,
flashing peach-toned light
through my center
What does it mean?
Joy and power

I want what I want:
it is not moderated,
not bargained down
or capitulated,
with no apology,
no wrong, no shame,
clear as my conscience,
strong as my name.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 23, 2014