At the beginning of December, I stopped writing poems. I did so to step back from a layer of ego and deepen my spiritual practice.
So far this is working for me.
I started my poem-a-day practice 12 years ago. Since then I have published over 3800 poems on my blog, and published ten books of poetry. I found the practice served to increase my perception and focus my honesty. The almost daily poems provide a chronicle of my life journey and learnings through that time. And I love writing poetry!
During this period when I am not writing, I encourage you to use the search feature of my blog to find poems of interest, or explore the chain of related poems as curated by WordPress at the bottom of each poem. As always, I love to hear from you – I receive notification when you comment on my poems, and will respond. Or you can send me email at wmulhern@gmail.com
I wish you all a beautiful unfolding of your spiritual journey, and a growing love for the nature that accompanies us and the people that deepen us –
with love,
Wendy Mulhern