In your time
you will find
the sweet imperative,
the nectar you must drink —
the one, right now
that shoots through you like light,
that holds you up
as water holds up herbs
and makes you grow,
ever more unfolding into what you are.
And when it’s done
there’ll be a new imperative —
It will taste different
(the old one will no longer do)
and you will know it from your craving
and how your thirst rises up to meet it
and to crest in satisfaction
as you’re nourished.
This is how we know our way —
we are designed
to want what we most need.
It is the way of everything that lives
and it has worked
for more years than our counting minds can fathom.
Trust your truth!
It will grow ever clearer
as you lean into
the wind of your desire.
©Wendy Mulhern
August 23, 2013