
We will learn to walk again
among the plants,
We’ll learn to notice,
learn to know
how the light falls,
and the wind,
and how to help things grow.
We’ll learn the nets of life,
the webs of its dependence,
We’ll see how each thing
fills its perfect place.
And in that natural understanding
We’ll make room for one another,
Re-inhabiting our primal
dance of grace.

©Wendy Mulhern 
May 14, 2013


I was shoveling dirt
and hauling logs
and dragging brush,
and my legs were scratched
and my shoes were full of
rotted log dust,
and as I was pushing
the empty wheelbarrow
back into the back yard,
over the dandelions 
and forest ground cover,
back between the chest-high bracken ferns,
the air spoke to me,
its sweet warmth full of spring scent
with just enough breeze to cool my face.
It embraced me from outside
and filled me up within
so my limbs felt present and comforted,
and it said to me,
“This is exactly where you want to be,
this is exactly what you want to be doing.”
I had to agree.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 12, 2013

Mycelium (and ours)

In every interaction
I am healed:
In every interaction
I am made whole,
For this is part of me,
This gorgeous web
that reaches out to know,
to know by loving
and to love by knowing,
to heal by seeing
and to be healed
by the gift of having seen.

So we move
expanding underground to fill the gaps,
so we embrace each other
in our understanding,
So we include
everything that lives
within our circle
So we grow,
eternally enfolded
in one Soul.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 10, 2013


I’m ready
to take down all the bars
I want a permaculture
of cuddle
I want to hug
all the people on the city street
I want to catch each eye
And feel the bright exchange of recognition —
Smooth rippling surge connecting us
before we touch —
I want the hug to come as echo —
Warm confirming of the surge’s message —
And for each release to send
encouragement and strength
for anywhere they might be headed next

It would take a long time
to walk fifth avenue
But think how rich we all would be!
I would smell of cigarettes and perfume,
Coffee and garlic
And I wouldn’t mind.
I don’t want anyone, anymore, to not know how,
To not feel free to cuddle all the time.
It would be a permaculture
for our hearts
And we would spread our potent roots
all through the land.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 23, 2013