There’s time

Don’t worry —
Time won’t go without you.
We are the time-makers —
we breathe time,
it moves at our fiat.

Every one of us
has the power to insist
that time unfold in order,
allowing space for each expression
to come to full fruition,
each impulse to bring forth
all the blessing that impelled it,
each symphonic movement 
to build,
in its proper sequence,
to the place of final satisfaction.
Life doesn’t go without you —
there’s time.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 2, 2013

Magnuson Park, Mid October, 4 p.m.

Windless, sunlit afternoon —
The lake has grown smooth and bright,
subtle colors — mauve and silver,
powder blue and olive,
dark blue lines cut through by speeding boats,
waves rolling in towards shore.

We feel the satisfaction of momentum —
things that, now started, will move out on their own
while we bask in solid comfort
of companionship and Sunday
(the waves turn at the shore and bound out,
rippling like animal muscle)
where we have suspended time,
for now.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 13, 2013

Take Heart

Walk in peace,
for none of this
has ever touched you.
No circling, tossing tides
can surge into your calm.
You are held 
in the Mind
that thinks up everything —
It thinks up you
as clearly and as firmly
as it thinks the stars.
It thinks you through and through
It fashions everything you are —
no gaps nor fuzziness, 
confusion nor regrets.

Walk in peace,
for Mind is holding you
in cherished ease,
fully enfolding you.
There is no moment
where it blinks out
and so your being
is ever clear.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 1, 2013

A Moment

For an instant,
in my prayer,
I saw all the darkness of the world
as being short as a breath —
an exhale awaiting the inhale,
an infant’s need reaching out
to be gathered into loving mother arms,
And all the world’s travails,
throughout all time,
as just that moment of the asking,
calling forth the full embrace
that brings us all in and in
into the truth of everlasting Love.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 1, 2013


I can be like solitude
if that is what you need
I can walk beside you
And our breath can sink
as deep as it needs to 
into the roots of being
And there can be time
for the whole silence to rise up
as far as it needs to
to meet the embrace of the day
And for each wind-touched frond
to offer
and accept
the invitation to dance.

There is enough space
for me in you,
and for you in me,
that we can walk
in this shared solitude
however far the journey leads our feet.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 30, 2013

Fundamental frequency

Let me sink
into this hammock
This cocoon
This softly swaying place
Where my weight is cradled
by the kindness
of the force that holds me here

Let me swing
in the fundamental frequency
of that which breathes the cosmos
Singing me
as it sings the stars
Lullaby of motion

Let me fall
gently to my center
where the quiet pulsing hope
remains connected
to the universal light
and hums the harmony
of that great song
that carries me in sweetness
through the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 8, 2012

Peace Channel

Let me move in the peace channel
Defined and defended by thought
Where no worry can dart in
No recurring pitches
about what is wrong
and how someone else
should fix it
No stress about my best chance
and how I might miss it
No harping on mistakes
and dour predictions

Let the peace channel run strong
in the clarity
of my knowing
Nothing mars the calm song
of my being
or the perfect place
for everyone
to move in broad and tranquil ease
as Mind’s bright conceiving
now and all along
of everything that is.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 15, 2012

All of us

There is no inner circle
of those who know the secret
There is no outer darkness
worrying the edges of the light
There is no us and them
No “ninety-nine percent,” no “one”
No unconverted, unevolved, benighted:
If anyone’s enlightened,
not one is blighted

Our ears know how to hear the clear tone,
to filter out the static
Our eyes know how to see what’s real
Our hands know how to touch it
And every goodness we can own
must then be owned by everyone
shared by our hearts
which always seek each other.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 27, 2012

After the last tone

In the silence
after the last tone has ended
there’s enough time
for anything —
For judgements to melt
For things that were constricted
to float free
For the tension, and then its memory
to seep away

Words then impressed upon the silence
have deep weight
Don’t waste them 
for they can set
a clear and steady course
across the next cacophonous abyss.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 24, 2012


Let your peace return,
spiral inward, homing
There is no perturbation
that can mar its coming

In your internal quiet
the steady pulsing
has never ceased
This reassertion of itself
it does with ease

Outside, the winds may buffet you
May tease along your furls
Try to unravel you
Surge, hiss, seethe
Set you flapping, fraying
Worry at the edges of your poise

But underneath
The currents run their course
untouched by surface winds
And the soft voice
that’s anchored in the truth
of who you are
is still here
and it will spread its deep calm
in strong and tranquil rays
across your sphere.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 22, 2012

(Picture: Wind bowl, Jennifer McCurdy.  Photo by Gary Mirando)