Tricks of the Light

It seems we are
so refracted from ourselves
That we don’t recognize these lights
as having anything to do with us,
So attracted to what seems
so out of reach
That we can’t trace
the inner spark from which they radiate.

These tricks with mirrors
make us feel alone
Closed off by glass
Confused by all the faces 
that gaze back at us,
looking all the same —
Faces that wear all our fears, projected,
All asking something of us
that we can’t quite name

But all these lights are ours
And they reflect our center
And all these lights are us:
Through our own core
we enter
the place where we can soothe
all these eyes
Allay these doubts and fears
And let these facets
magnify the One.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 29, 2013

Sinking into One

Honesty has gravity
to sink me
into the integrity
that touches our humanity,
our unity, our oneness.

Oneness is my wholeness,
Full circle for my movement,
Inclusion wherein I can know
no strangers, and no strangeness.

There will be things to wrestle with,
to floor me with their rising;
I’ll find the weird and wonderful,
enchanting and surprising;
But nothing I can’t snuggle with
when the day is done.
So, embracing everything
I learn to know the One.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 20, 2013


In this moment
We know why we are here.
We don’t know what we’ll say
Or if we’ll even talk
Or if we’ll dance, or sing, or pray
And yet we sense
We will support each other.

We each will ask
For what will feed us now.
We each will find
Within our yet unspoken wisdom
The truth that meets each other’s present need.

We each will rise
Impelled by what’s required
To know our selves as capable,
As bright providers
Of what sustains us while alone
As while together.
We are, in this shared role,
Our greatest treasure.
So we flow upwards, outwards,
Splendid wings unfurled,
A sisterhood to overcome the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 14, 2013


We’ve been through this before
but this time we’re wiser
and will stand unflinching
as all those shapes pass through us —
those illusions of ourselves,
walking and moving
but absent our deep desire —
ourselves moving in tracks
set up to have us shuffle
mostly mindless,
mostly lifeless,
through our days

This time we won’t 
fall in step with them
For our roots reach down
so much deeper —
through rocks, through magma,
to the mingling with the very core of things,
And our crowns,
full as the most established of the guardian trees —
Our crowns dance with the stars.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 5, 2013


This is a poem I co-wrote with a friend. We alternated lines. Then had just a little tweaking to make it fit together. And brainstormed the title.


I sing love shapes onto a canvas of stillness.
Slow ripples blend outwards, overlapping
As galaxies of air expand and contract.
We are here! breathing this moment,
Lost in a timeless sanctuary
Found in formless unity,
Emptiness dancing with ineffable being.

Softly, the love shapes of my song return
As if they were the only thing I’d ever seen
and wrap themselves around me like a lullaby —
A warm blanket in winter
of velvet midnight sky.
Higher light dives into mysterious depths
Aurora borealis for my love-struck eyes.

©Chris Capogna and Wendy Mulhern
March 3, 2013


“What you seek is seeking you,”
And, across the open space,
is calling;
Strong magnetic signals
align your ions,
drawing you towards each other.

What you trust
can come with you.
That which has loved you
will always love you,
And in that love,
has earned the right to stay
steady in your heart,
To stand by you, and too,
to be supported.
What you’re seeking 
will not require you to be split,
or lost, or make uncaring choices;
It will augment in you 
an ever greater love.

That which waits along the side
and craves to bless
will find its blessing,
and in that blessing,
soothe and be renewed,
ignite its purpose in the good it does to others
For as it deeply gives,
it feels its value proved.
And in the work of love
each call for help is heeded
No one will be left out in the cold,
for everyone is needed.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 23, 2013


I am entranced
by my breathing.
It is like the surf
that flows in as a wave
but whose return,
steady but delayed,
entails a seething seeping,
down and in,
permeating, lubricating,
bringing life.
It is like the boughs of cedar
in the wind —
how they give and give
in gracious bend
and then return,
a calm reception and unspringing
of the wind’s impulse.
There’s nothing mechanical
about this body.
Its breathing makes it one
with the one sweeping flow
called life,
that owns everything —
galaxies and microcosms,
sands, skies, seas,
forests and rivers and plains,
and you and me.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 21, 2013


I held myself open

and the currents coursed in and in
on waves of sound;
I let myself be incomplete
so Spirit could decide,
could take me,
use me in fulfilling its own ends.

I held myself open
and the uncompleted loop invited flow,
caught me up
within a larger motion,
beyond my thought of where I was to go.

This kind of attention —
How to follow
the impulse of the slightest nuance,
to feel the current so created
as a palpable connection —
Engendered unexpected exaltation.

There’s time to be open
And afterwards, time to close
in the grateful rest that plays back
the full glorious song of it,
Remembering it, integrating it,
Becoming whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 20, 2013

Going home

I was driving home from dance
and the traffic lights
(red, also in the random droplets
on my windshield)
swayed in the wind —
A gentle undulation
in perfect time
with the shimmery piano music
in my car.
And I could see the music everywhere —
In the slow glide of lights,
and the orchestrated movement
of the traffic.
And in my breath
was the scent
of many people
with whom I’d shared the magic
of the dance.
Going home,
and taking with me
what my body, grateful,
once again had found:
The matrix of connection
and its sweet embrace
that holds us in the music
all the time.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 5, 2013


By your light I am illumined,
By your grace, I’m magnified;
By the gift of your unmuted shining,
I’m enriched beyond all swift surprise.

By your listening ears my voice is called;
By your dance, my eager spirit leaps;
To your song, my own tone rises up
to hum, to tune, to blend with your clear voice.

How can I then describe
what this has meant?
(A glimpse enough to open up a world)
— a treasure that I never could imagine
or invent —
Such wonder now evoked!
Such potency revealed!

©Wendy Mulhern
February 3, 2013