
Here is how you are wrapped up
in the Love that is your cause,
your essence, your purpose

Here is the thrumming oneness, the wondrous
pulsing together of being,
vibration like bees’ wings teaching you
as you also teach,
rhythm reaching you
as you also reach,
endless creation unfolding
at the crest of your flight,
this knowing deeper than feeling,
more vibrant than sight

Here is the language not slowed
by time or tongue,
spoken in the flow
of our eternal song.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 6, 2023

I revel, I luxuriate

I revel, I luxuriate
in never needing
to be good

No need to put it by in furtive storage,
strategic hoarding
for future credit

No need to ferret out
how my accumulation
compares with others’

No need to run my banners up a mast
at chosen times, no need
to cast for accolades,
or falling short,
put on a braver face,
console myself with plans of being better

So I can smile into
the offer of the moment,
perfection given, bountiful,
for everyone together,
this being how it feels to know
there’s none good but One,
and it is ours, and we belong within.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 27, 2023


Take me, take me along
this singing rumbling tumbling flow,
and though we speak of gravity,
and though I feel it,
throughout this run
there is no foreign force exerted

All is mindful here,
from molecule to glint of light,
to leaves submerged and floating,
to swirling and cavorting waves
and branches leaning, catching

All is mindful here
and each contributes
what defines itself
and how it fills the whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 27, 2023

Sweet company

In moments I fathom
having never touched down
into bone, into skull,
into what can be alone  –
having never come to think
that I could be destroyed
or even lost – sitting present
in the sweet company
of consciousness itself,
which by its nature
is comprised of knowing,
and knows the feather movements
and the grand turnings  –
rivers of awareness,
oceans of connection  –
this being what is me,
this being what is us –
galaxies of bright communication,
universe of intermingled song.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 25, 2023

All of us

We all are yearning towards ourselves,
our undiluted truth,
though we may settle, in the flash of time,
for something that reminds us of it
(a homonym, perhaps, or some non-fitting,
but still tempting, rhyme)

We put on what we do,
we try to realize ourselves.
When we fail, our truth,
though covered up, still gleams
(like coals in ash, which still have power
to ignite another fire)

None of what we posture
can make us any better,
none of how we fail
can make us any worse –
our truth – each one unique,
all of a kind,
will find us in the unity of Mind.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 21, 2023

One Good

Nobody’s taken a package home,
no one has grabbed it
to call their own,
nobody owns it and nobody lacks –

And there’s no measure for the infinite,
and there’s no soul in which it doesn’t fit –
the good we pull up in ourselves
flows without end –
this is true for all of us
and everything that lives.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 4, 2023


Not to assert my will,
nor yet to leave it behind,
but rather
to let my will out like much long hair,
let it blend with the will of the wind

Let those two be subsumed in the will
that doesn’t push, nor need to,
that holds all desires
in deftly woven harmony,
that opens out all impulse
and unites us
in one grand expression,
granting us the freedom of our dance.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 2, 2023


Contemplating stars,
mycelium, trees,
the realm of my perception,
and the path networks
of birds, of deer, of insects,
I start to see
we are all spherical  –
awareness emanating from our center,
branches of consciousness
exploring, lacing,
drawing all the rich connections,
sharing the brightness
to light our home.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 30, 2022


Who wouldn’t give up being a drop
to be a river? It’s not as if your essence changes –
it’s just that the illusion of isolation
is swept away, in the thunder of the power

It’s not as if the forces you run with,
the gravity, evaporation,
are different, though in the multitude
of your collective run,
you may feel more of what they do

And nothing stops you
from leaping up anyway, being
a sparkling drop, dissipating into mist,
drifting far into the forest
to commune with trees

Just that you always feel
the pull home, and the desire to mingle,
and your belonging
in all the secret passageways,
above ground and under –
everywhere the river calls its own.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 20, 2022

Courage of the plural

We will not speak of sparks,
since wildfires are so fearsome,
yet we find connection spreading,
often along unexpected lines,
and one or another thing
can be what calls us all together

A small all, perhaps, at first,
but enough to make a we,
and we are powerful,
however few we seem to be –
the courage of the plural
overcoming isolation  –
our first necessary taste
of being free.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 17, 2022