The taste of life

Having tasted life
(even in a dream)
we will no longer settle for survival.

No longer put up with
the dry stand-ins,
trinkets, chores, routines,
dispatching of accumulated obligations,
points accrued for things checked off the list.

Having tasted
the electric connection —
the swift-coursing,
igniting, kinetic concatenation
of communion,
the lighting up of our being
in the hallowed glow of oneness,
we will never stand for tedium again.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 13, 2013


There’s nothing new about this longing
How it rolls up, like mist across a lake
And hovers, haunting and etheric
Obscuring the horizon with its grey
This urgent need for contact and belonging
Cries out for feeding, many times a day
A quest for soft, shared heat, and mingled breathing
A constant call, that doesn’t go away
We once were weaned, or so we may have thought
To self-sufficiency, a virtue (so we’re taught)
But to remember, once, this grand connection
Sends our sufficiency to forge a new direction
To weave our lives so we can be together
In comfort and in shared support, forever.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 12, 2013

One Truth

Why should it seem strange
that for all our differences,
what we all want 
is the same?

Yet I find myself astonished
at how one truth
dissolves so many schemes,
Renders irrelevant the diets, the regimes,
the resolutions and the dogged efforts,
the striving to be marginally better,
the accusations, tit for tat, of sin,
the arguments on which approach will win —

You are beloved,
You are accepted,
You are needed,
You belong here,
And your many gifts are priceless.
You deserve to live,
And you deserve
all you need so you can fully thrive,
And what your heart tells you is right
really is.

The moment we are each convinced of this
We leave all hurt and pain and grief
for bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 9, 2013

Fundamental frequency

Let me sink
into this hammock
This cocoon
This softly swaying place
Where my weight is cradled
by the kindness
of the force that holds me here

Let me swing
in the fundamental frequency
of that which breathes the cosmos
Singing me
as it sings the stars
Lullaby of motion

Let me fall
gently to my center
where the quiet pulsing hope
remains connected
to the universal light
and hums the harmony
of that great song
that carries me in sweetness
through the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 8, 2012

Contact Improv

I took a class today and yesterday in a dance form called contact improvisation. One of our teachers said it always feels for her like a metaphor for life. I felt this to be so:

All that went before
belongs to us
And we can move
in the way of early life
Draping, oozing
Traveling along an impulse
that moves through bodies
as it moves through space
Wave on slow-cresting wave

The movement opens us to mystery
The fluid way to find our way in
Into the place of curling and curling
where we return
to begin

We start to feel
the coil that winds us
find its way to spring
We start to live
the settled surety
of this aliveness
Always knowing we belong.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 17, 2012

Seeing each other

We come here in our chosen roles
Whatever we’ve decided to present —
The selves that we’ve assembled to display,
The stories propping up our self-esteem,
Our plans of how we’ll move and what we’ll say

We come here hoping
what we’ve made ourselves to be
will be enough
And that some transformation
will reach us through our tedium of stuff
We seek a blessing
while doubting it is something we deserve
We keep on guessing
what course will make us feel alive, secure

But Ah —
Despite ourselves
(and everything we hoped to hide,
so clearly seen by everyone who’s hiding)
Our precious souls shine through
And these
These souls, so holy
So wholly free from all regimes
that we or others have devised —
Since they are here
There’s nothing else remaining.
Like dust, like ash, like smoke
those old self-constructs blow away
And so we see each other as we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 12, 2012


Kin fits in skin
Within my ken
With what I can
Those of my home
My folk, my clan
It’s what I know
It’s what I am

Kin kindles kindliness
My kind, like-mindedness
Conscious connectedness
Seeking and finding

So may my circle
Contain all the cosmos
Its sphere as my realm
And its oneness my center
As large as awareness
As cozy as kinship
Here in sweet presence

©Wendy Mulhern
September 26, 2012


This is our foundation
Octahedral core
Locked together in a structure
that stands firm
holding open
the arches of energy
so great currents
of light
of power
can spiral through
up and down

We stand here strong
Holding it
At one in our service
to the elemental rhythms
At one like the sides of an arch
Our love the keystone.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 11, 2012

How to fly

The steering of myself is subtle
and tricky, since these dials —
the ones that I was taught controlled 
my legs, my hands —
Turn out to have been only painted on
And the real controls
The ones that have the switch that lets me fly
Meticulously hidden for so long

I must remind myself each time
To leave the painted-on controls alone
To seek the hidden balance deep inside
And reconnect with what I’ve always known
To lean into the buoyant, flowing currents
Established when the world and I were formed
To catch the waves that carry me
along the perfect lines
where every move of grace has gone before.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 3, 2012