
We, too, are woven
into the tapestry of sky,
of trees, of clouds and oceans

Our being can’t fall off
or fall away, or fail
to fill its place of purpose and fruition

So I serenely settle,
supremely integrated
into the warp and weft, my glory
planned from the very outset  –
what I am, and all my destiny,
securely worked
and safe within the whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 30, 2023


Liking is our nature  –
this is what we are like –
we match ourselves point for point
with other beings, and are delighted

We like what wakes up currents
inside ourselves, reminding us
of what we are. We like
what mirrors back our goodness,
we like what makes us feel
that we are liked

Let us remember:
No part of our being
requires us to dislike –
there is no judge condemning us
for failing to be snooty,
or unforgiving,
or for siding with the enemy
(or other team)

We can understand what’s true
by what we like,
what we are like.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 30, 2023


Kindness overcomes confusion,
and being lost, and grave distrust

Kindness lights the way
to step between the layered lies
and not be caught  –
it blows those webs away
and leaves the song of ancient memory
on lips and skin

The memory of who and where we were
before there ever was a tale of wrong,
the memory of who we’ve always been  –
kind because we are
all of a kind.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 26, 2023


Another day of moving through the holy place
of people traveling – me along with them,
immersing in the river of their efforts
and their individuality  –  how they are loved,
and how they long for love,
how their love is hidden, and how it shows

I travel smooth, I travel filled with joy,
for all of us are hoping to be seen,
and everyone I truly see
elates my heart,
and in that seeing,
I am fully blessed.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 29, 2023


In being aware of intelligence everywhere,
I feel at peace and companioned.
All of these trees are making their choices,
all of these grasses,
all of these insects,
choosing their paths as intelligence leads them,
feeling the joy that it gives

All of these people are miracles,
webs of awareness, makers of points of view,
each one the center of marvelous stories,
each with an I AM that’s true.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 27, 2023

Ending war

These wars, on every scale –
out in our world, within our homes,
within our hearts,
can cease as we can understand:
we aren’t defined in opposition

And there can be no right
when someone else is wrong  –
the more we pull that thread,
the more it tugs at us,
and tells us – just a little more –
more force, and we can win –
a fearsome snarl that has no end

These wars can cease
as we can understand:
we are defined in oneness.
Infinity, to be unveiled,
requires us all to send light
in the same direction  –
light up each other and ourselves
in one grand whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 16, 2023

At home

I travel from home
through home,
to home –
all of these places
affirm me

All of these moments join
in the vast collaboration of moments,
like water flowing uphill,
bounding in the joy of it

All of these people,
threads of their path lines
intersecting briefly,
dance out the fountain
of their internal impetus

All of them run on infinity,
all of them fueled
by the hum of connection. All of us prove
with the grace we’ve forgotten to notice,
how we are powered,
how we are home in the whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 15, 2023


She closed her eyes
and felt the reassuring hands
hold her in the certainty
of everlasting love

She understood, then,
that she had found the net
held up by noone,
but shared in willingness,
so those who leaned in to it
would be caught up, would feel
the blessing waiting for them there

And when I heard that,
I felt my great desire
to touch in to the network
and to hold it ready,
so anyone who closed their eyes in willingness
to likewise be transported into bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 5, 2023


We each took hold of a small piece,
and we began to rise, together –
no one of us could bear the weight,
but all of us, it seems, could manage

Then suddenly, we are propelled –
a lift we didn’t generate
has taken hold.
What seemed so hard for us to bear
is bearing us, and we are flying 

This is an ancient truth
that always has been here,
this is the lift that we have learned
by doing.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 25, 2023


We’ve seen analogies for this –
as a concept, it’s not strange,
but to experience the touch,
the sudden influx of awareness,
the connection with the infinite
that lights us up with power and reveals
the web of which we all are members,
that gives us access to each other
and to all that we aspire to –
that is something much more than electrifying  –
it is understanding, it’s illumination,
it’s fulfillment, it’s identity,
it’s home.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 26, 2023