Today I offer you the only good that is,
the good that is One, the good that is All
Today I offer you
the good that has no terror in it,
no separation, no conditions —
the good that is right here,
not held at arm’s length
for you to leap for and be laughed at,
the good that you could never fail
to breathe in, to embody
Today I offer you
the good that has no dark side,
that spreads its loving touch
to every entity — that makes them melt
in love, in joy, in grateful strong surrender,
and no one is a horrible example,
for all are needed in the true design
Today I offer you
the good that changes history,
replacing blame, regret, remorse
with sweet returning green,
with fragrance and with flowering,
the growth circle of being.
©Wendy Mulhern
July 8, 2019