
The ancient river hummed within
arousing every chakra
making me one with all rivers
The rivers of the earth
The rivers inside trees
The rivers of the air
The rivers of the heart
One compelling flow
One aligning force
One quickening in the core
One, as all water is one
I looked up
Everything my eyes could see
was charged with rush of river
Silent coursing
Exaltation of life.
©Wendy Mulhern
July 12, 2011

Summer Evening Grace

As I ride homeward
The sun begins its descent
through congregations of clouds
They reach out to be transfigured
fleetingly, each in turn
While the blessing flows
fleecy hand to fleecy hand
the air is cooler
the evening shadows softened
the pavement glow subdued
Later the sun reemerges
Commanding countenance
too strong to behold
I ride dazed, half blinded
till I slip into the shadow of a hill.
©Wendy Mulhern
July 3, 2011


Like a miracle
The celebrated day rose up, spreading its gifts
Bird song long before we truly woke
Then sky embracing early morning trees
with luminous touch of mackerel clouds
Then a stretching space of blue
desperate for warmth
yearned towards the cloud-clamored sun
Later, the day brought out summer
like a father returning home after too long
In my gratitude I forgot my suspicion that
he would not stay
I drank the scent of wild roses, sun-warmed
rejoiced in wind on my arms
a long bike ride
and work to do outside
and family differences to take in stride
as we tumbled to the end
too tired to attend to any more
(A meeting took a bite out of my evening
as if it were any day . . . )

©Wendy Mulhern
June 21, 2011

Thought Balancing

Summer solstice:
We are called
to try to make something meaningful
of this blip in time
But stones laugh
like water tripping down them
and piles of stones fall
with no propriety
like clowns rolling
who know how to fall
by giving and giving
and not standing on ceremony
but letting their inner dignity
fall with them like water
so it stays within
growing stronger
as they sink to their source
And all my efforts can fall 
like bits of fluff in the wind
but that which centers me
will draw everything back
to its compelling core.

©Wendy Mulhern

June 20, 2011

Another Frozen Thought Falls into the Sea of Love

The structure melts, and every atom, freed,
can dance forth in the swirl of ocean currents
release the particles and join the wave
each impulse starts a chain, and spurs it
far across the water, till at last absorbed;
we see the ocean quiet and inscrutable
though underneath, the currents curl and soar
and waves, concealed, continue on immutable
no information lost, though folded in
to every other impulse, every movement;
the sea so capably accommodates it
and holds all being lovingly contained.
That’s how we move as one, and how we know
each stream of life encompassed in the flow.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 7, 2011


In the dry time you may hear
the high conversational click of seeds
shoulder to shoulder
camaraderie of waiting
quiet comment of ticking down rain sticks
rolling in rattles, patient in stasis
When the water comes and soaks them through
washes off their inhibitors, you may hear
their oscillating excitement
Brownian tremors, the movement within
uncontainable high of expansion
lift of life.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 1, 2011

The Hundredth Post

This is the hundredth post on my blog.  Not the hundredth poem, as I’ve sometimes posted two at once.  I decided to start by quoting the hundredth psalm from the Bible:
Ps. 100
Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 
Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 
Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; 
we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture. 
Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: 
be thankful unto him, and bless his name. 
For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; 
and his truth endureth to all generations. 
Recently I have found great joy from the feeling that, rather than being comprised of a material body, my being is an impulse that moves along in waves of oneness with the harmony of the universe.  The more I look at the world, the more this seems to me to be so for everything I observe.  That is the subject of the following sonnet:
What we are made of
The world is framed in elemental waves
the vibrant patterns every movement follows
the undulations rolling through the forms
of squirrels, snakes, whole flocks of birds, one swallow;
The gracious give of tree limbs in the wind
the water’s lullaby against the shore
the ebb and flow of cricket song, the hum of bees
reverberating ring of crystals deep in caves.
We find these very waves define our arcs:
the impulse as we launch into our stride
is carried, wave on wave, as we continue –
harmonic pattern on which we then ride . . . 
How could we frame ourselves particulate
feeling these waves that all our moves articulate?

©Wendy Mulhern
May 29, 2011


My garden grows in dashing weeds
purple, yellow, blue
their colors so exuberant
I can’t say no
scilla and forget-me-not
dandelion, buttercup,
fennel, winter cress
They clammer, gallop, swarm
and the planted things
lilies, asters, dahlias
fail to come up, or shrink
among the riot of flowering weeds
that have stormed my garden.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 25, 2011

Inner light

It rains, it rains
The rivulets run down
irregular but constant
and the sound
is soporific and insistent.
That crow outside
is definitely wet
This afternoon will grant no respite
So I need to think
of inner light
and two delightful people
who were suns for me today
lighting up the rooms
and spreading warmth
The glow has stayed —
A lavished layer of brightness
in the lining of my being
Soft as fur 
Warm as tended fire.
May 11, 2011

Matthew’s Beach

We’ve had very few sunny days this year, and fewer still that have been warm.  So when the temperature crested sixty-three degrees today, it seemed a time for celebration.  I biked to Matthew’s Beach and sat in the life guard’s seat, observing.
At the lake
Children’s voices ring out like
the dance of waves 
which skitter down the beach
like children leaping
plastic pails in hand
skipping back and forth
like waves
to meet the shore
(sun-catching hair flips like flags)
deep in the abandon
of sand-encrusted hands
and startling splashes.
Parents tend them
hold them in the C of their attention
Half-circled arms
in gesture of protection
as momentary sun
kisses us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 14, 2011