All these things

All these things
Await the touch of your eyes
Their molecules mirrors
To show you what you are
The soft humility
Which lets you receive
Each stone, each dewdrop
And all the myriad leaves
Which you have said you loved
Cannot be lost to you.
Practice helps
And if you can silence the chatter
It helps.  No worry –
All these things
Still wait for you
No hurry
They have eternity to reciprocate
Your touch.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 17, 2011


whirling in a balance
like a maple seed descending
in late afternoon of year
as the earth keeps rolling, 
     bending the low arc of light
more inward
in the grasp of shadows falling
as the lively air invites us
to the dance of bright leaves flaming
so the inward hearth light calls us
to its quiet steady warmth
and the potent stillness pulls us
to its radiating strength
so balanced – spinning outward
folding inward
we revolve
strength offsetting strength
love inspiring love.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 8, 2011

Autumn: Three Leaves

The smile of fall
a rare and fleeting gift
like that of one whose visage
is reflexively severe
from discipline built up through years
of self-constraint, of striving for the prize
the burnished glow of mastery
that shines through fruit and crimson leaf
against impassioned skies.

But no
for fall speaks of the grace of letting go
the end of effort and the floating backward
tumbled down, but glinting brilliant
not because of winning
but for all the steady time beneath the sun
falling as a blanket to the earth
now that the kiss of summer’s done.

in every Autumn day
three faces
one for looking forward
one for looking back
one for looking inward
toward what glows against the lack
When green retreats
the inner fire
will find its core
and flame up higher.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 1, 2011

All is well

The circle spins around again to stillness
The wave has crested and it glides back down
In the ebb it murmurs and regathers
Readies for another go around
Even in this quiet place, there’s movement
Rivulets returning to their source
Slow building for the next essential moment
When once again the cresting will burst forth
I flew! I flew, and I will fly again
Though now it feels most perfect to be still
Give no attention to the gradual build
— When it will break, or even if it will
All’s well — in this soft place I’ll trust the flow
When it’s time to leap again, I’ll know.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 28, 2011

Bringing it Home

(for Edward)

I ride into the bright sunshine
Push against the strong wind
Glide within the soothing shade that lets me see
And I am loved by all of these
And by the sweet air
And by the soft seas
I bring the love of all these lovers
Home to you
You’ll see it in my eyes
And smell it in my skin and hair
You’ll take me in your arms
And they will be there
And they will make you want them
As they make you want me
We all will flow together
As it should be
So with my many lovers
I am still true
Enriched to be with them
And bring it home to you.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 26, 2011

After the Equinox

You step from summer’s warm embrace
to meet the arms of fall
impassioned lover
seizing you with fervent grasp
taking your breath away —
bright promises withdrawn and offered many times
driven rain between the shafts of sun
sweeping you along toward deep adventure

So fall demands that you be new
It calls you to pull forth deep resources
from your inner being
for travel into mystery
It offers you no guarantee
of warmth or soft security
Instead it summons acts of daring
invigorating rigor, fortitude
Calling you to prove, with deeds, your caring
Teaching you a deeper gratitude.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 25, 2011

What Joy Looks Like

I’ll tell you what
I’ll tell you what joy looks like
Looks like that cloud
Stretching out its four arms
Against the blessed sky
Curling slowly inward towards itself
And reaching out again
Embracing blue
Looks like that day moon
White as the cloud
Diving down to it
Mouth wide open.
I’ll tell you what
I’ll tell you what joy looks like
Looks like that man
Riding his bike no hands
Clapping to some tune or thought
Only he can hear
I’ll tell you what joy tastes like
Tastes like this day
Leaves smelling of fall
Day full of journey and purpose
And sweet bright air.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 20, 2011


The water closes over it
And it’s gone
The ripples lap over each other
And disappear
No sign left that anything
Was ever here
Other perturbations take their turn.
The water takes its color from the sky
The sky is deep; within it, many echoes
Across its breadth, a varied palette stretches
The water’s depth may thus stay undefined.
How far, how deep, how slow, how wandering
May be the drop down to the ocean’s floor
The surface stillness leaves a space for pondering
What worlds beneath have slipped away before
And if the momentary ease of foundering
Should be resisted.  Help me find the shore.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 8, 2011

Katama Beach, early morning

The wind and clouds
as I approach
toss mystery on the day
gray, stormy, salty
soft with summer’s warm humidity
The smell of ocean first
and then the sound
compel excitement as I pedal closer
To see it throws me open to its full embrace
and I know: this is why I came.

Waves entranced in fervent dance
beneath the racing shifting clouds
roll and clap, swoosh, recede
salt spray flying out from each wave’s crashing

My feet sink into coarse deep sand
that slopes down to the sea
the foam leaps forth and licks my toes
and sometimes splashes me.

The eastern sky grows pearly, luminescent
The wet slick sand takes on a muted glow
Then bits of blue, in mirrored sand reflected
throughout the vista soon begin to show

till all the sky is clear, and all the water royal
and white is bright in clouds and foam
and liquid sun pours out across the water
as I begin my journey home.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 23, 2011