Late August

elm August

The air was poised
in a feather balance
between warm and cool,
shifting one way or the other
with the sun and breeze

And I had to go out
where it could dance
across my skin
and I could take in all the scents —
dried leaves, ripe blackberries,
sprinkler systems, roses and mimosa —
and the longer shadows
and the exhilaration
of this visibly shorter day.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 21, 2014



After the rain
while the summer air
still hangs heavy,
some little birds break through its shroud
with happy chattering

A slight aliveness of breeze
brings the scent of
just a little rain —
wet dust, the smell
at the mouth of garden hoses

The day is still pregnant
and the great unknown
of how the birth will actually occur
stretches its vast belly
over everything.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 12, 2014

Weekend, Summer

straw shadows Love1

We are blessed —
Blessed by the way summer
flits around us, holds us light
in its chime-full, fragrant air,

Blessed by the sudden
wistfulness that rises
in the lengthening of shadows,
Blessed by the lofty clouds
and the fingered rays
that stream upward and eastward
from the sun

Blessed by the freedom
that hovers about us
in this moment —
brief as the weightlessness
at the top of a jump
but euphoric nonetheless.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 3, 2014

Our Crop

sunflowers crop1

Summer blazes on
day after sun-ruled day,
Night’s sweet release
comes late

We start to wait
for the wind-chime heralded
south breeze,
to signal change,
to signal rain

For years we wished for this,
A summer we could count on.
We can’t complain —
Every day is splendid
and their still are places
we can hide from heat

And the city haze,
though it accumulates,
has mostly blown away,
Our slightly sun-stressed
crop of gratitude
still sturdy.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 1, 2014

Divine Law

pea vines

The divine law
has never sentenced you —
It won’t exact a penalty
of suffering,
It won’t impose a shroud of guilt
or shame,
It never has decreed a world
where you must bow,
a laborer where no one knows your name

The infinite has always celebrated you
in ways no person
can fully comprehend —
Their little glimpses
— the glimpses we call love —
are just a pale reflection

The divine law
has established you
with all your singularity
and all your grace,
Upholds you royal
(just like everyone)
in your exquisite timing,
in your perfect place.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 15, 2014



Motion makes connection known —
Trees with their shadows,
ripples with the sources of their color

The joyful dance of parallax
reveals a harmony before unseen,
And branches, rustled, show
the deep dimensions of their green

Everything moves, as everything breathes —
So many clasped and intersecting arcs
repeated down the nested scales
in harmony
from stars to quarks.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 9, 2014

Sunday, 5pm

weeping birch

Half moon hides among the clouds
in the surreal brilliance of summer afternoon.
There is a silent moment
between each sound —
too small, perhaps, to hear,
but clear enough
to send a sense of singularity
throughout this brief time
of the sky’s impossible blue
and the newly cool north breeze
that loves the weeping birch,
who loves the wind in turn.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 6, 2014

In the backyard

flicker baby1

The baby flickers
consider fledging —
one and then another
sticks a head out, then feet,
breast, a shoulder

woodpecker babies

Their eyes dart around,
they blink,
They’re in and out,
in and out —
The one without the red cheeks
has been out longer,
come out farther

Yesterday a hawk came
and perched on their snag.
The jay made holy racket
and the babies hid
while mom and dad flew frantic,
making their decoy calls

Today it’s quiet.
The wind rushes through the trees,
crows and planes more distant.
I watch them watching everything,
weighing themselves
against the feat at hand.


©Wendy Mulhern
June 26, 2014

photos by Edward Mulhern


sorrel woods1a

It could be called the moment
when Spirit appears on the scene —
That silent shift in everything,
where all the spaces and hollows
become more pronounced.
Things stand out from each other —
ferns in the sunlight,
waves cresting among waves,
and the whole dimensionality
takes on depth and richness
And things glisten
in the sure sense of being themselves
and being loved,
And everything moves
with a unity of breathing —
Grand inclusive rise and fall,
catching them up in its peace,
embracing them all.

oregon beach1

©Wendy Mulhern
June 22, 2014