Day of Color

ridgecrest evening

Today the artful wind
harnessed exuberance,
filled the early sky with roiling gold,
chased it, then, with dark showers,
burnished leaves whipped along the road

Then momentary blue, then
the full palette of fall’s splendor
lit up against the backdrop
of a gray sky

And I was nourished
by tunnels of color,
roads wreathed in leaves
above and under,
Fed by red, maroon, gold and umber,
eased into evening
by the sky’s
wind-swift turning.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 6, 2014


Chautauqua, Boulder

Boulder leaves

The temperature shifts quickly with the wind
which now blows dry leaves,
in soft, autumn-scented rustling,
down the street

The leaves that haven’t fallen
soak sun, silent and supple,
butter-smooth against
the china sky

And in between the times
when the industrious homeowner
wields his leaf blower,
It’s quiet, and I hear crickets

When the sun goes down
behind the Flatirons
I’ll seek warmth inside,
Settle, like nestled leaves,
into the evening.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 29, 2014

All these things

mushroom chalice

The size of the arc,
the span of life,
makes no difference

Sparks flittingly ascending,
stars ponderously wheeling
ancient pools, water-carved in rock,
a mushroom chalice

All these things
live equally intensely
through the exclamation of their being

All these things
can take you with them
All they require
is your seeing

©Wendy Mulhern
October 21, 2014

Evening Scene

evening tree

Crows going home
rise like loosed leaves
between the trees,
lifted as if blown
taking a free ride on the elements,
moving together in clan familiarity

Jovial caws speaking of evening
interrupt the reverie
from time to time,
counteract the sense
of wind being the only force
now that the last sun kiss
has left the sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 19, 2014


At Matthew’s Beach

lifeguard seat

The day, already splendid,
increased its level of benevolence
with the braided glow
of rippled sun reflections
patterned by gulls and geese
in intersecting circles
and in looping Vs

And with a toddler’s foreign language,
the newness of his speech
the only thing that I could understand

And with the ease of afternoon
that spilled into the evening —
and still not cold.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 16, 2014

By Design

leaves falling

We don’t make the sun rise
but it does
We don’t engineer
the seasons’ changing,
And even our internal tides —
our breath and circulation —
don’t depend on our arranging
(Pay attention, oh me of little faith!)

In the splendor of the rolling days,
the mist, the clouds’ drift,
the uplift of leaves driven by wind,
In the gentle hand of sun-warmth
on the dampened land
there should be evidence enough

This life of mine,
more vast than I can comprehend,
is held in order
by a force beyond my own
and all the flights I dream and yearn for
are established
not by my efforts
but by my essence,
not by me
but by the Love that holds us all.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 12, 2014

Chaff and Wheat

wheat and chaff

The chaff is not nothing
— nothing is nothing —
It has a history
It has a future
It follows the dispersing energy
along the edge of wind
It lands against a fence
and gives its final nutrients
back to the ground

Or it ignites
in one last sparking,
its light and heat
a parting gift
before it burns to ash
becoming even more diffuse

The wheat is weighty,
concentrated in,
It holds the seed of life
It holds the focused plan
It is prepared for next year’s season
to drink the draft of life and thrive

And those first blades it sends
in vibrant springing green
to take in sun
to make the next year’s seed
will then at season’s end grow dry,
becoming chaff

So goes the cycle
with nothing wasted
Nothing is nothing —
All that has loved
still has a value here,
still has a place.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 12, 2014


meadow tree1

The coolness of the air
brings sudden autumn,
a memory as strong as taste
of longing, of excitement
for things that might unfold
as they are borne along the quickening
fall of the year into endings
or new beginnings

A taste of bracing challenges
and rising skill that meets them,
the ramping up of inner heat
to warm us through
the passage of the cold
and take us once again
around the turn.

©Wendy Mulhern
Sept 3, 2014