
What is true about this day –
smoke filled, a sullen oven,
suffocating yellows, wan sun
still punishing?

What is true? – the conflicts
and the inner raging? A sinking sense
of falling down in flame, face of futility,
large numbers of enumerated fears?

Or is it the intelligence I see standing
in the stands of trees surrounding our abode?
And every living thing, which,
with its being, affirms the present mindfulness? – And so remains alert,
and can’t be swept up
in mindless conflagrations

In this awareness, I briefly glimpse
the basis of true fearlessness  –
Love which is Mind
holding every mote in place,
intelligently placed
to form the priceless whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 14, 2023

In the order of things

I’ve given up the fear
of things going wrong on the inside,
now that I have glimpsed
how deep the mind force goes,
how there is no scale
at which it abdicates its power
and leaves a role for mindlessness

Electrons hum in harmony
and systems for which they are suns
hum,.too. Who am I to think
the song could pixelate, or end,
who am I to doubt
the care with which I’m held –

Who am I,  after all,
in the order of Infinity?
– where my presence is the basis
for my trust.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 25, 2020

An Evaluation


Eventually I noticed,
by the echoes,
that my voice was in a small box,
buffeted by louder competing voices,
coming through in snatches
mostly unheard

I reflect on the absences
that brought me to that place —
the drive, on automatic,
the walking, with a sense
of obligation more than eagerness,
a sense of fatalism,
more than bearing witness to the truth

Yes, I was there,
and my being there was nominally good
(there is a value, after all, in showing up)
But at any time
I could have gone through
the other door in consciousness,
where nothing has been mindless
and the holy purpose
of everything
aligns us
with the present unfolding
of the blessing we each can offer
and each receive.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 17, 2014