
Sometimes the extent of
what doesn’t matter in the least —
doesn’t matter anymore or never did —
seems ready to drown me

So far removed these tracks have gone
from anything that nourishes,
any reason anyone could see
to go and do it for another day

And yet the gleams of what’s precious
shine out somehow, from every moving being —
May that light grow stronger from within
and guide them, guide us —
all along our homeward way.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 22, 2018

Bright Release

What will you do with this?

Mothers — take it, use it to love your children
even more than you have before,
Fathers, use it as a way
to deepen grace, to find your footing
in the place where your nobility
touches ground

Brothers, sisters, friends —
use this to remember
how tender and how tensile
is your connection to each other,
how paramount it is
to keep these ties
awake in your heart

All of you — take this bright gift,
this strong release of light,
this nourishment of life —
use it to celebrate
our common source
and the fountain of our days.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 2, 2018

The Light Within

There is no way
(boxes within boxes,
sea bottom, barnacles)
you can close off
the deep bright light within you
(white brilliance, color sparkles)
no way you can keep it
from burning through all the barriers,
no way they can stop it
from claiming its source and home
in the infinite light it is one with,
the ever luminescent truth.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 10, 2018


Here where we’re all trying
to find the point of clarity
where understanding crests the moment
like rays of dawn

Here where we’re trying
to find that one focus
that burns through all the layers
of middling plausibility
to be the one imperative
defining us

Here we will receive
the incremental wage
that comes from steady effort.
Imperceptibly, our views will clear
until at last we notice
we’re no longer waiting
for that brilliant flash —
we’ll find ourselves here
already gently pooled in light.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 5, 2018

Merging Light

I like the suspended feeling
of early evening
when my reflection merges
with the yard outside —
I take form among the shrubs,
a tree grows out of the piano

The rain drips down outside,
inside, the heater clicks,
the refrigerator sings

Yesterday, in the reflection
of the back door through the front window,
I saw my husband appear
in the space that had framed
the oak across the street
but could also project
a ghostly image
of someone in the back yard.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 1, 2018

All Things New

There is no one who is not affected.
There is no one who is not lit up
(though comprehending a light that casts no shadows
may take time)

You can feel it radiate through your fur,
all the way to your skin,
you can feel it in your lungs like flight,
in your throat like fire
coming up from embers that lie deep within,
fueled by ever-quickening desire

It makes no sense, after this,
to go on as if there were a path laid out,
it makes no sense to follow
former modes of measurement

The roar this light ignites
will burn through everything that lied about us,
we will be seen as we will see —
all things new.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 2, 2018