
I like
the color that shows
between my toes
the warm burnished glow
of wood tone touched with orange light
which also laps its sumptuous tint
across my instep
and licks my toes, at their curling tips

No color stands alone
They all throw their reflections on each other
I see the orange, the green, the red
silent and smooth, caressing every surface
I gaze, transfixed
at what I would have called one tone
But they are many
All mixed
Repeated on my feet, the door, the wall
Each different colored thing
shares the same palette
to harmonize and unify them all.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 20, 2012

Vision Prayer

Spirit, today
You can have my eyes
Hold them holy
Guide the light they gather
Give them focus
Let them synthesize
the clear truth you display
Let them harmonize
the elements of your day
Let me empathize
with everyone I see
So that I understand
your comprehensive ownership of me
The way your grace illumines
everything I know,
all that I am.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 7, 2012

Mind’s Eye View

In my mind-picture of you
you were painted
with a bright palette —
yellows and oranges and greens —
exuberant color splashing
from your hands
which stretched out open,
the joy of your creating
crackling between your fingers
great spreads of overlapping hues
rising from you
filling up the canvas
and I knew
This is a true picture of you
Something you’ve always been
Something you will again
learn how to be.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 13, 2012

New Truth

Here is the new truth:
Right now, you know
everything you need
to unfold 
in the exquisite presence
of your perfection

You know
as surely as a seed
the subtle gravitations
that form you
at this moment
into what will swell and curl
and brilliantly unfurl
to capture sugar from the sun

You don’t need to learn 
how to do it
Or do it badly for a while
and then get better
It’s not presumptuous
to know that you are perfect now
That your internal guide
unerringly directs you
in the shining grace of being

That every gift you give
has been designed
to bless essentially
And so it will
And all you’re called to be
you will fulfill.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 7, 2012


Our union was like
Ocean . . .
Ebullient waves coming
in and in and in
Flipped and turned by rocks, diverting
Cross waves rolling in on top of others
Circling, turning
Flowing back, down and down and down
into the place they meet
the flow of other waves
Fold on fold of froth, pristine and soft

Each one in its time, none in a hurry
Time to find each crevice in the rocks
Time to curl around inside them
Time to flow like waterfalls returning
On and on until the next wave’s crash
White spumes leaping
Water heaving, churning

Our breathing and our flowing 
was like that ocean —
So many separate infinities
crossing one another in a timeless rhythm
So much life, such presence
Such imperative of motion
A place we shall return
time and again.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 30, 2012

Growing New

We made the choice
And where we could have called ourselves
Bundles of opinions
Past experiences, scars
Perspectives narrowed 
through the jarring course of years
Piles of restrictions growing larger daily
Needing soft accommodation for their weight

Instead we have decided on this:
To serve whatever is alive in us
To always focus on what’s growing
Leaving, rigorously, everything that’s dead behind —
opinions, patterns, prejudice —
And learning, every day
to be more supple

Should it then come as a surprise
to see our love so shining?
So new, so eager, so alive —
with grace and bliss entwining.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 22, 2012


This traffic
And this rain
And this pink-lined GPS
that shows me not moving
and may be telling me a bogus route
In any way
obstruct the truth
of who and what and where I am

I am here
in the presence of peace
in the unfolding of Life
which ever takes
every sunlit and rain-drenched shaft of straw
and weaves
shimmering resplendent gold

Gold of liquid joy-filled richness
Gold of fine illumination
Gold of glowing moments and their memories
Lifting lilting luminosity
into all that’s here
Holding it eternal
where we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 4, 2012

Soul Kiss

For you to take all that you need,
Greedily drinking from the great infinity,
Feeds me, too —
If you have made me conduit,
All that bright strength
whooshes through me on its way to you
So we rise together
Cleaving to the vast eternal stream
In every breath regenerated
Reengaging with our ancient dreams.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 27, 2012

Seattle Summer

There may not be a way to find a reason
why these delicious days are rationed —
Whether to preserve their fragile, fragrant freshness
or the eagerness with which our skin receives them
Or whether it’s designed to keep us guessing
Or ready us for some exquisite blessing
in some other realm.  No matter —

The brilliance of today
will leave a mark across the summer
Shine its golden rays
over many cloudy cold ones
Teach us to embrace it
and every potent sign
of imminent awakening,
each glimpse of the divine.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 3, 2012


You and I
Make an arc of golden light
A hearth, a home
And the warm bright
aura of its circle
Halos each of us
throughout our disparate days

And it is right to understand
that such a glow
will cast its comfort
further than the bounds 
of you and I
It’s fitting that our love
Light up the sky.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 18, 2012