Version (intro or extra)

flicker peaking

and in solitude,
how shall one pursue the baubles
and the light that comes
from their exchange?

but in multitude,
the jostling shifting
of everyone’s efforts,
how can one find and proffer
the right one?

it’s easy enough to go home
without having said anything,
without engaging,
easy enough to say
one didn’t need it, anyway,
or didn’t need it here

if there’s a whole other being,
a light inducing, producing,
seducing incandescence,
luminescence from within
all satisfying,
it still should serve
to lead to bright connections,
not wean one from them,
don’t you think?

©Wendy Mulhern
April 12, 2016

Dark Currency

Carkeek railroad

I have put it down,
the dark currency —
shaken my hands
for its good riddance

I tell myself —
just don’t pick it up,
yet I find it in my hands again.
It takes a mighty struggle
(so it says)
to let it go

But I am all light,
and it is that light
that pays my debts,
it is that light
in which I take my measure

And it is that light
of every one of us
that is our endless value —
no dark currency
has ever bought us.
In the light
we are all redeemed.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 21, 2016


Discovery park trees

I stepped outside myself
and shut the door
to stand in the light
to consider
maybe I could stay out here
maybe I could recognize
these are the rays of my alignment,
this is the source of my power

Out here the air is fresh
and there are no stories
blocking my view.
I could get used to it.
Perhaps I could learn
not to go back in.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 12, 2016


thicket in late sun

It’s not the lanterns that we’re after,
it’s the light. (As far as lanterns go,
there may be many, some
more beautiful than others,
some more costly

But if you look in someone’s closet
at the ones they have acquired, discarded,
that still won’t tell their story)

We’re all reaching for the same thing,
and as we find it, we’ll have more to use,
and better vision
to find the light right here,
not in lanterns
but reflecting true
from the deep clear essence
of our core.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 25, 2015

Light Lines

light lines

In a departure
abrupt or gradual
as leaving a dream,
I grasp onto light lines

I find them in faces,
in flickers of hope,
in the never-completely-hidden
desire to be seen

I see them in the eye-catching
that perceives a sly joke
and sends cascades of laughter
into the shared space

I see you, Oh, I see you
riding strong along your current,
throwing off the crust of
who I might have thought you were

As I, too, flow out from my crust,
swifter than lava,
carrying my new form
out into the light of day.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 2, 2015



There is no small light —
Every light is indication
of the vast source, reflection of
the brightness that illumines everything —
Any one you look at
will lead you back
to the infinite

There is no small life —
Beneath each spark, however dimly seen,
is that potent force
that needs to be expressed,
that needs to shine, and to engage,
and dance relationship —
to make more life,
to bless and to be blessed.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 14, 2015

Seeing the Light


We will give up
trying to be good
and trying to look good
and trying to justify
relative worth

We will give up
the anxious glances,
the frenzied measurements,
the sad assessments
of us and the world

For we will know
that this good of us
is not of our doing
or our undoing —
It is held immutable,
and will glow triumphant
and enlightening
through all our days.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 8, 2015


When all the masks dissolve
(as well they must, against the potency
of our being)
We’ll see each other, and we’ll know
that nothing we have fretted over
ever mattered at all

The person each of us has always been,
the one we’ve always known,
turns out to never have been sullied
by failures or by fears

That deeply lovable, delightful being
we each so valiantly
have striven to defend
is who, now that the mask is down,
never faded, never fallen,
never broken, never marred by years,
ever shining, radiant and clear.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 3, 2015

So many people

hidden light

So many people go through life
without ever having written a symphony,
without ever doing a cartwheel,
without ever knowing what it feels like
to be free

So many people (or so it’s said)
have never known true love,
have never felt the exaltation
of the egoless willingness
to be a blessing
and having that fulfilled

People go through life
buying expectations for themselves
from the shelves of sanctioned social options,
wearing them, though they don’t fit,
eating them, though they don’t nourish,
hardly noticing the pressure of the light within
as it attempts to free itself and shine

But by and by
the light will win,
spill out of some chink,
overwhelm them
as it bursts forth
revealing all the vastness of their being
where they don’t go through life —
they really live.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 14, 2014

This light

spring elm

This light
doesn’t need a story —
doesn’t need reasons why it shines,
doesn’t have things that could put it out

The stories about it —
what it requires to keep on shining,
how just a few tweaks could make it much brighter,
how it’s some rare gift for which I’m most lucky
are not true

This light
may shine through stories
but can’t be captured by them.
They can illustrate it
but not snuff it out
And if I follow it
to where it springs from,
I’ll never lose my way again.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 13, 2015