Light on the gate

Light on the distant gate –
the afternoon sun signaling
a gleam I can feel
way up here on the hill,
a settling, a proof
that nothing we do stops the kindness
bestowed on every living being,
nothing they do stops the kindness  –
it has the last word
in the bitterest disputes,
it melts them to calm
like an evening bath.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 30, 2021

Stars and clouds

We talk of big things  –
life’s dreamlike nature,
society’s entrapments  –
but do little things  –
staining siding panels,
making dinner,
shutting down the power for the night,
looking at stars

We talk of big things,
but it’s the little things that matter  –
whether we were patient,
whether we were kind

And in the end, our eye lights
will be like stars,
while our words
are more like clouds.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 26,  2021

The Sunshine Option

I notice that we each have power
to be like sunshine,
to backlight spring leaves so they glow,
to sparkle and dance in treetops

We each have power
to light each other up,
and in so doing, to partake
of wondrous, radiant warmth

We’ll see it on the outside,
we’ll feel it all within,
we’ll generate enough illumination
to power up the world  –
let us begin!

©Wendy Mulhern
April 26, 2021


This isn’t a quid pro quo,
nor yet a reward earned –
not a thing I have to do
to get what I want

Doing this is what I want,
kindness being an elixir
of greatest strength, a sensitizer,
opening up huge realms of splendid view,
releasing bounding joy.
This isn’t something I do to be good –
This is goodness singing me.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 29, 2020

Voicing Truth

I’m striving now to learn to use the voice
that says, you don’t need anything –
don’t need to change,
don’t need to have been born
with a different set of genes,
or different circumstances,
you don’t need to earn anything,
you don’t need to be punished.
What you are is just exactly
what you need to be –

I’m striving to find the voice
that knows this clear enough
that when I tell someone this truth
they will believe.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 23, 2020


How refreshing, how truly inspiring,
how brilliantly illuminating it is
not to sit in the seat of the scornful,
not to have a belittling thought for anyone

Not to be gnawed from within
by a terror of nothingness,
not to claw my way away from there
by setting up a structure upon which to perch
from where to look down on others

How wide the view,
now that the seat is taken down,
leaving so much more room
to see the gift that each one is.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 10, 2020

The Effect of Kindness

Since my body had been
soaked in kindness,
it had no voice to complain —
it wanted to stay there
in the memory and present fact
of kindness,
where it confessed
it was eager to learn,
eager to do anything I might ask

It was willing to abandon
any tales of injury or weakness
and just stay there in the aura
the kindness had bestowed

When it next moved
it was a different body
than the one I had walked in before.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 19, 2020

Tending Kindness

We hope our kindness
will be felt by the land,
the trees we plant,
the soil we tend,
we hope it will respond
with life that springs forth bountiful

We hope the land will teach us
the kind of kindness
that makes things grow —
fledgling efforts strengthened,
courage built, endurance lengthened,
everything that had been tentative
standing forth to claim its place
in the blessed rhythm of the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 23, 2019


They catch you up
in rings of kindness,
they cradle you,
they hold you sacred,
they wish to see you blessed
with everything you need

This gift to you unfolds
as gift to them —
they are caught up
in the light that kindness brings,
they define it with their actions

They summon it
from the ever-presence —
so they become light bearers
and also light.
So you have catalyzed
and so you shall receive.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 28, 2017


Kindness kindles us,
catches us up in the merry
rush of flames
running eagerly down the lines
of what we sensed we might be,
igniting inspiration, engendering
great leaps of joy

Kindness will spread
and in its warmth
each of us will know what we’re here for,
each of us will bring heat.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 14, 2017