
No sleuth was needed
to pick through your life
noting and condemning
ways you fall short —
misguided attentions,
crucial things neglected,
everything that needs to be corrected

Your life is clear,
innocent as dawn,
untouched by any tales
of what you have or haven’t done —
Pick up the cloth and shake it in the wind —
all that isn’t you will fall away,
and as for your bright presence,
it will stay.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 1, 2019


I’m walking through the city park,
my face full of sun —

My mind dips back suddenly
to another such time,
long ago,
when I was craving innocence,
not knowing then
what I know now,
that it is not a property of youth
or of maturity either, for that matter

It is that which is never effaced
by the surface of things,
that which we remain
to the core
through all the changes
that pass through us,
that which I can bask in,
then as now,
that which centers me
in ever present home.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 26, 2018

Rise Up



You are innocent.
There are no wrongs
for which you must atone,
no layers of pain and shame
rolled up in justification,
rolled up in anger,
rolled up in desperate deeds

There is no errant course
that justifies your bondage,
no years indentured
that you have to pay,
there are no habits
which keep you stooped, submissive,
no lock and key upon your day

You are innocent,
and you are thereby free
to shine the light of you, to be
the things you always sensed
were your potential.
You have not lost them,
you have not forgotten,
you have not failed
to take the needed way.
Stand up and walk —
all blunders are forgiven —
You are granted your primal peace today.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 27, 2016