
Seven o’clock, and the wellness of the morning
sits more steady than the fog
and the frost that cases spider silk
and grass stalk

It settles in the warmth from last night’s fire,
radiated from the stone,
shared with floor and walls

Seven fifteen, and the wellness of the morning
crackles in the new fire,
rests softly in the work
left over from last night

Be well – your life thrives
before any of these things –
it brings the wellness through,
its source infinite,
its expression unconfined.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 17, 2022

Smile time

In the smile time of the afternoon,
strands of spider silk gleam with sunshine,
they hang from fences, they catch the wind
and float off – I don’t know
if they have a purpose now,
except to be delightful

Deer stayed for about an hour
on the shadowed north side of the house
after the frost was gone,
on ground that never warmed –
they browsed, then sat, and moved on later –
I don’t know why they chose that spot

In the smile time of the afternoon,
the air relaxed, and let itself get warm
even out beyond the porch’s shelter,
and no one could resist
the quiet calm
the infinite provided
for that fleeting time.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 16, 2022

Your Day

The day will lead you
to one and another of your mind’s pursuits,
your body eager to serve,
nourished by curiosity and engagement

What you attend to
will grow lush – obstacles notwithstanding  –
you will rise like cresting waves to meet them,
the energy bearing you up
not self generated
but yours nonetheless
by virtue of your grand belonging
to the infinity of Life.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 12, 2022


Look how everything has fallen in,
like sand into water,
look how every way we rated things
is gone –
the structures, the tallies,
elaborate rubrics,
purveyors of influence
all rendered silent

Here we are melted
in the variegated sheen
where each gleam
bears clear witness ,
infinity’s equalization
showing the depth we possess,
all of us needed,
none of us less.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 24, 2021


Tears can cleanse
and tears can mend –
waterfalls cascading down,
smoothing rocks beneath,
filling in the crevices,
rendering me meek

Lord knows I need something  –
I am willing to cry and cry
and cry and cry,
but will it be enough?

Not in the depths of my own chasm,
not in the shallows of my conclusions.
Let me press myself
up against the infinite
so that its light shines through.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 7,  2021

Being, Doing

If what I am
is really so much larger
than what I have been trained
to think myself to be

If, rather than corporeal,
my essence finds its home
where it can handily traverse infinity

Then what I do must also be defined,
not in the bumbling mortal mode
in which I’ve moved,
but in the way that holds the reins of winds
and witnesses the quality of days,
the way that holds the space for liberty to bloom,
and every entity to find its radiant room.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 18, 2021


In the most intimate place
where all the entrances are so small
most sensors don’t pick them up

In the most secret place
which you have fiercely guarded,
sensing the precious essence
that lies within…

If you touch that smallest place
you tap your power,
for concentrated there
you find infinity

And what is infinite
will always well up,
an eternal spring –
and therefore always pure

You will never fear,
once you have understood
what dwells most small, 
most intimate, within.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 6, 2021


Within this reckoning
of what I know
and what I owe,
and what it would take
to be free and clear,
I see that I have to keep giving,
have to keep giving up
every single excuse
I make for myself,
have to keep giving up the self
that measures things
in terms of finite gifts,
have to accept
the infinite demand,
to reap the Infinity
of the I Am.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 15, 2021