
When you can be completely sure
you are comprised
of what you love, exclusively,
no more, no less

When you can recognize Infinity
and how it wells up
through the cracks of every story
you have told yourself

Then you will shift your focus to the light,
and what before seemed so complex
will flatten like a silhouette,
while all your love will fill your sight,
and you will know
exactly what you’re here for,
and be blessed.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 22, 2020

Spoken Word

There is a voice that speaks
without needing words,
without needing sound,
but which you hear
earth-shifting deep
in the self you’ve only hoped
could somehow be you

You hear it like a crack in your core,
pouring out unimagined light,
expanding your perspective
to where every pre-established limit
is gone, and even the notion
that life could be organized
in shapes of struggle and lack
is fully silenced
in this new truth

There is no way
to shut out this voice,
because it’s already inside you
and it has already spoken.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 19, 2020

The Light that Casts No Shadow

The light that casts no shadow
glides into the canyons of your heart –
colors that you never saw
glow forth from all your deepest places

Things that you had feared
and your strategies to overcome them
suddenly are gone, as are the things
you didn’t like about yourself
with their attending judgments
and castigations

All those constructs of the dark
didn’t even need to be swept up
and casr away –
the light that fills you up
was all you needed.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 9, 2020


Each of you,
alone with your soul,
is doing a mighty work

There is no referent of comparison,
no one’s soul against which
you can hold your own
to take a measure

You are alone with your soul.
And what blooms in you –
particular concoction
of what you came from
and what you brought to it –
will always be as much a wonder
to yourself as to the others
who see it shine forth

You are companioned,
but that companionship is deeper
than the sum or product
of everyone you know

You are loved
before you even step out,
loved as you are,
alone with your soul.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 25, 2020

Time for Healing

This is not about something having been wrong.
That topic would have me groping along the bars
assessing their materials and strength,
considering if they have a weak point

This is about the rightness
that has always been here, this is about
the light that can neither be obscured
nor confined. This is about
you here now. As you have always been

Lit up by grace, sliding through the illusions
untouched by them, free as a sunbeam,
establishing your own rhythm,
unfurling your own bright blooms.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 13, 2020

This Trust

I will walk with you
in the trust that can’t be broken,
with faith in the elemental
nature of our being

You may ask, why are we here?
But in that question are assumptions
about both we and here –

Step behind those
and find the answer,
not defined in the channel
down which, river-like,
we tumble and cascade,
but in the source,
unfailing, pure, and infinite,
that sends us out,
that pours us forth.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 11, 2020

Our daily birth

At the clean place
where we are all formed,
(not by history
or the ruts imposed on us)

Not formed by degradation or erosion,
but by the acclamation of our presence,
our hope, our love, our holding fast to life

In the moment we are formed,
not in the past sometime,
but here and now,

We can feel the pure Spirit that impels us –
our breath, our days, our joy,
steady fountain of our timeless being.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 9, 2020

I am the one

Trying on the admission
that I am the one –
I am the one who needs to understand,
I am the one called
to make radical transformation
in my own mind,
to have my whole sense of being
reframed – to find my context
was much too small

I am the one who needs to change,
I am the one who needs to act,
I am the one who needs to listen,
listen to I Am,
listen to the One.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 3, 2020


You haven’t been asked to be virtuous.
You haven’t been asked to be a good girl.
You haven’t even been asked to persevere against long odds

You’ve only been asked one thing.
You’ve been asked to love.
Love with heart and soul and mind,
submerge yourself there,
lose your self there,
and let the nature of Love itself
be the you that unfolds
throughout the course of every day.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 22, 2020

You, First

This is you. You meet yourself
before you step into the morning,
before the flood
of all the to dos,
and should have dones,
before you square your shoulders
to face the day

This is you even before the ever hopeful
sense of yourself
gets up again
to see if things will go your way,
before the wistful sense
puts on its cloak of competence,
acceptability, arranges its opinions
and steps out into the fray

This is you before you win,
before you lose,
before you look in the mirror
or open your mouth.
This is you. You have your back.
You never need to step down
from your true essence
and your strength is plenty
to hold up the world.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 19, 2020