Course Correction

steel sun beach

Forgive me. I have overstepped.
I should have known.
Thank you. For in this rebuff
I have come to understand
I was off course. I must not
take personal credit
for that which shines through me,
I must not
try to direct it, make it a story
(featuring me)

That which shines me
may have other vectors in mind
and is calling me
to a more present focus,
to work that magnifies
peace for everyone,
letting worries slide away,
letting each idea
come in and be received
in its perfect time.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 6, 2015


thicket in late sun

It’s not the lanterns that we’re after,
it’s the light. (As far as lanterns go,
there may be many, some
more beautiful than others,
some more costly

But if you look in someone’s closet
at the ones they have acquired, discarded,
that still won’t tell their story)

We’re all reaching for the same thing,
and as we find it, we’ll have more to use,
and better vision
to find the light right here,
not in lanterns
but reflecting true
from the deep clear essence
of our core.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 25, 2015

Simple Science


Lack of a stream bed
will not stop water
from flowing down

Lack of a plan
will not stop love
from carving its way
through and around
every obstacle

Lack of lessons
will not stop dance
from cleaving to the music,
moving bodies in ways they hadn’t thought of,
hadn’t known they could

And no tale
of loss, of separation
can stop the full expression,
intricate and bold,
of everything you are
from shining forth.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 12, 2015



People may wonder
about your story —
That is the way of things in this world

People may speculate,
may use their conclusions
to readjust their sense
of how things stand.
People may wonder, or they may not

In any case, know that,
whatever they conclude,
it has nothing to do with you.
Whatever construct they may form
will be related far more to their own story
than to yours (accuracy being irrelevant
to the art of shoring up positions)

Some people may speculate,
Others will reach out —
that is something different:
Take their hands — in that connection
there is something real.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 12, 2015

Each of These

crow, ginkho

Please forgive me —
all this time I have imagined
each of these as form-bound,
limited in viewpoint and potential,
minds of size to fit within.

I have misjudged them.
Each of them is portal to infinity,
each a representative
of that grand impulse
that sounds the stars, that
sends the waters cycling
in such exultant waves of thundering power
that everything rejoices

Each of these is made
to deliver the precisely needed blessing
in that moment where our circles intersect.
In that interaction,
we are made whole.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 10, 2015

To Heather, Again

Heather in Marcola2

My sweet family-maker,
you bring us together once again.
Deeper than faith, this essence of you
makes us rise in the living of love

The demand of this purpose
shines through each hardened thought,
each tight-lodged obstacle,
clears away everything but the true light,
our calling, our unique blessing,
the role we play in raising up each other,
our certainty
of why we are here.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 6, 2015


vine maples

I’m really good at
holding your hand
and keeping up —
skip-step in perfect trust

I like it, too, when you swoop me
high through the air,
our laughter mingling
under the bright sky,
I’m good at
filling up with joy

There have been names
given to me, and to my family,
names establishing our strengths
and our shortcomings,
generations of stories,
many never told, about them

But today I don’t want any name but yours,
don’t want histories, don’t want prognostications —
Today I’ll hold your hand and take your name:
I Am.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 29, 2015

Flying Lesson

flying lesson

I knew from dreams
that it would be effortless,
guided by thought and not mechanics,
and that every cell of me
would be awakened, would be exclaiming,
over and over, how free, how right, this feels

I knew that there would be no fear.
I knew I’d feel companioned,
so closely held and guided
by the Truth with which I gratefully commune.
I knew I wanted this, with all my being

What I didn’t know
was how close at hand this is —
not something lost to me
(at least until I walk a span
wherein I am defined
by some corporeality,
wherein I am confined to tracing
mostly pre-determined, fear-laced paths,
wearily, from birth to certain death)

I didn’t know I didn’t have to wait —
that this reality of who I am,
equipped and fully knowing flight,
has been here all along,
simply awaiting my lift-off.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 24, 2015

Seven Times

they shall drive thee from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field, and they shall make thee to eat grass as oxen, and they shall wet thee with the dew of heaven, and seven times shall pass over thee, till thou know that the most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.
Daniel 4:25

grass and shadow
I’ll take whatever baptism I can get —
Let me be wet with the dew of heaven,
till I know:

Not my scheming mind,
not my fretting, fearful mind,
not my story seeking,
hoping and despairing mind,
but the Mind of stars and seasons,
of microscopic earth connections,
of fragrant sweeping tides and cedar boughs
guides the action of my life

Not my self-concerned, capricious tastes,
not my opinions,
not my brittle sense of what I am
determines me,
but the Soul that sings through every morning
and sustains the song all through the afternoon,
goldening the evening,
coloring the mystical transition into night,
chiming through the stars,
tuning the subtle shifting
in every blessed hour until the dawn

Not my cyclic bursts of will,
my spurts of motivation
(between the slumps of lethargy)
not my halfway efforts
to accomplish something,
but Spirit’s steady, constant inspiration,
that brings life’s fruits to fullness,
each in their perfect time —
this crafts my being

It’s not my sense of life,
its little arc, and my attempts
to fill it with the things I think I want,
but Life’s design that brings me forth —
so joy-filled, so abundant,
spilling forth delight,
limitless and free

Not the set of things I’ve thought I loved,
nor the (also small) set
of what I’ve thought loves me,
but the unrepressed infinitude
of Love comprising everything,
fills me up with its desire to be

Not my former judgments of what’s true,
based on what I thought I understood,
but this great Truth is what I must acknowledge —
which makes a place for every being,
each one with its center, each a centered love

Not my sense of law — of what is right
or what I might decree,
but that full Principle,
which holds the world
in ever-moving harmony,
is the law that governs me

Seven times, and then
my reason will be sound
for I will know
The Most High, the All Good,
makes me what I am.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 21, 2015