Sight shift

Your presence compels my steady attention.
I take a half step back from myself
to align with the sensing
of what you are,
this cause of me, this Principle,
that which my full being must express,
here for me with all its surging prospects

I notice the iridescence
at the name of you, the name of me,
the place where what I am
is wholly redefined by you,
who, after all, defined me in the first place.

I need to learn to keep this promise,
to keep on knowing you,
knowing myself, this way.
I need to stay with you
and know you with me, too.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 10, 2023


The main relearning in all of this
is who I am –
many other facts follow:
the presence of the infinite
and how it feeds me,
the way that “me” refocuses
from thing that casts a shadow
to the light between,
so I no longer
deal haplessly in consequences,
but instead
ride the universal chords of now.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 24, 2023

Not God

What a relief to know
I am not God
(and neither are you)

I don’t need to hold
all these things in order,
don’t need to solve any looming hard problems,
don’t need to do what I can’t do,
can’t fail

What a relief to know
none of us people are God.
None of us need to be feared or bowed down to,
none of us need be afraid

No one has power to hold things in order,
no one has power to make things go wrong,
all of the beauty we live is protected  –
we have been safe all along.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 25, 2023


This makes you visible
in dark space
where your being
is a question, a quest,
and your reality
is all the laws of life,
comprising you, constructing you
from the necessity of being:

Before any of the world-building,
or any of the tropes were put in place,
or the agreements about vectors,
about power,
before the definitions, the menu of choices
from which identities may be selected

Before all that, the primal Love
saw you
(in that seeing you were made)
and set you forth visible,
one of the lights defining space.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 16, 2023

“A great sacrifice of material things …”

Not teapots and sofas,
but estimates of cause and effect,
anticipation of results,
of triumph and regret

I’m asked to give up
thinking my feeling
reflects what someone else
has said or done,
give up believing
that my well-being
is something to be given or withheld

I’m asked to grasp the solidness of Spirit,
the all inclusive scope of comprehensive Mind,
how my well-being rests
on everpresent Soul alone,
how this All-seeing graciously
calls me its own.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 19, 2023

Who you are

This is more important
than anything I could say,
anything I could tell you,
anything you’d hear from me

This will be told to you
by your own being,
all the galaxies of you,
their suns and planets,
the connecting pull between them,
and all the life forms growing in their sphere

They come together in chorus
so intimate within you,
so comprehensive,
you might not even say you hear it.
It will ring in you
as everything you’ve always known.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 18, 2023

All of us

All of us want to be seen,
and all of us want to be known,
and each of us senses
the worth of our being,
the light that is wholly our own

And none of us want to be judged,
and none of us want to be told
of changes we need to make,
habits we need to break
if we would enter the fold

All of us want to be free,
and want our connections, too –
we want to belong
in a place where we’re honored,
and honor our friends through and through.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 18, 2023


For after all, what are we about but
It’s our best sense of ourselves,
our best hope. It is what fills us up with sweetness,
enough in a moment to last a day,
enough in a day to rocket us
clear up to the stars

So how could we ever think
there is some score to settle first?
(I would be kind if only others
weren’t mean to me)?

We’ve never really been about reaction.
What we are comes only from ourselves,
and what we are is kindness,
that dear embracing wisdom
which resonates within as deepest truth
and solves everything.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 17, 2023


And if you seek a meaning
somewhere deep beneath the surface,
if you seek a core, a source,
a point that doesn’t move
with winds or time or changes of the light,
as you’re coming closer
you will know you hope to find
what touches you, and what you touch,
as home

It is a well known feeling,
it’s a tune
around which symphonies are written  –
when you hear them,
you will circle, you will settle,
and your peace
will ring out like a truth you’ve always known,
will sound you as a song that is your own.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 16, 2023