
So what’s real about this
(where are all your accusers?)
is the innocence
that has always clothed you
and that innocence
makes you innocent
even as the snapping jaws of guilt
try to close about you

They’re just made of dust
so they can’t do anything —
can’t stop you from being
your noble self,
cant stop you
from being free.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 28, 2018

Touch me — a prayer

Touch me with your spirit,
touch me until I am lit up
to the point of discovering
I am all light
and my rays
are all yours
and my desire
all comes from what you are,
what you impart

Touch me so I feel recognized
from the inside out
so I know
there is nothing of me
that you don’t know,
nothing you don’t love,
and the lift I feel
all along my form
is just me touching in
to what you have held for me,
what you have held me as,
how you have beheld me,
all my days.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 16, 2018


I have to stop myself many times
just to remember,
just to consider —
I have to sit still and realign myself
with the nature of my power

I can’t convince, I can’t persuade,
can’t influence, can’t teach, can’t prod,
I can’t make anybody else see something different,
can’t steer their ship, can’t bear their load

But in the core of who I am
resides a dynamo,
for I am master
of my own mind

And I can see the truth
in everyone I think about,
and I can love
anyone I want,
and I can find
a way to bring out goodness
where I am focusing,
while I am here.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 29, 2018


I see you there
steering your ship
behind eyes that you feel
not quite tall enough
to see out of,
reaching for the controls,
confused about which one does what
and how much force to apply —
I see your bravado, and
maybe a few of your other veils

Don’t worry — we all feel that way
at least some of the time.
I know we all want
the same thing —
Here — have a little gentle laughter,
the kind that tells you
you’re eternally accepted, the kind
that lets you know
you belong here forever
in the home-free tumble-fest of life.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 25, 2018


In the place of home
named Who You Are,
nothing ruffles you

You will still hear
the raging outside,
you will see the great array
of arguments and power plays
that say you should be
scared and cowed and battered

But yours will be the peace
of being untouched
by anything that’s not your maker,
by anything that’s not
your sweet musician,
unmoved by anything
except the grand harmonic motion
that defines you, new in every moment,
that delights you in the humming
of your being.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 19, 2018


Ease your heart —
courage forms
in the pools
of thirst-quenching soulfulness

You can immerse yourself
and feel your movements deepen.
There is no need
to be shallow,
no need
to hold yourself back

Feel the full stroke,
the powerful surge
of being the beloved
of the infinite.
This is where you hit your stride,
this is you, living.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 18, 2018


I have not changed
but I have cycled round again
like tree rings, layer on layer of growth,
branching upon branching

I have not changed
but I have pulled the veil away
layer by layer,
coming towards a clearer focus

All this time I thought that I was changing
but that was part of me —
the ever hopeful slant,
the sense of progress
which has come with me
like my hands, my eyebrows

And I will not change
until the final veil’s lifting
shows what I have always been,
changing me all the way back
through my past, and showing how
I have never changed.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 12, 2018


You don’t owe loyalty
to past stories,
you are not bound
by what you’ve done before

You are not bound by thoughts
or what you think people expect
or by trajectories you launched
from where you were

You are here now,
and what you are
comes to you fresh and pure
in this moment of your being,
in this moment of receiving
what is given you
and what you’re called to give.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 11, 2018

Regarding Love

The feeling itself is real
even if the players that enacted it
were false, or were ephemeral
and dissolved in the distractions of the moment
like bubbles in the wind

The power itself is real
even if the constructs that occasioned it
or that you hope will do so
are nowhere to be found

Love is its own substance —
it may flow through these things
but it doesn’t need any of them.
Love is its own creator
and it is Love which is creating us.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 10, 2018


It was, for each of them,
their own moment

but as they turned
they could hear the corroborating roar

as many others
caught up in the singularity
of their own experience

simultaneously turned,
surrendered to the force

of what actually
had been their essence all along

Less a surrender, maybe,
than a standing up,

though both those actions
were clearly present
in their acclamation
of their source and destiny.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 27, 2017

photo by K Norton Photography