What we wanted

All we ever wanted
was to be reunited
with our source,
to be in that communion
like water is
as it travels on its journeys
to be reunited with itself,
as it carries light in liquid ripples
through rills and streams

All we wanted
was that certainty
of what we are —
that we are good,
that we are one
with that which lights us up within

We may pursue our winding path
through darkness,
but it’s the gleams of light that lift us
and our light reflecting essence
that guides us
(as we will see when we look)
to everything we wanted.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 24, 2019

On Falling

You can’t fall
into the darkness
because your being
is made of light

No gravity affects it,
and even if it could fall
it would bring its essence with it,
lighting up the way and pushing darkness
ever farther off

You can’t fall into darkness
but we can release
any dark presumptions that have tried
with jagged scribbled lines
to draw a ragged image
on your form

We can let them go
and they’ll fall down,
way, way down
where they don’t even have a story,
far away
where they can trouble you no more.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 29, 2019


All of them needed to know —
needed a way to look up
from their burdened lives,
from their crashed or crushed visions,
the dysphoric drag of suffocating stories,
they needed a better way
to catch a breath
than the scrabbled pushing aside
of some of the worst weights

All of them — the ones thought fortunate
and the ones thought down and out,
needed something more,
needed this —
the bright assurance
welling from within,
the blessed kinship
with all that’s light and lovely,
the solid truth about their royal being,
never held down,
supplying all their needs.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 25, 2019


Today I imagined us silver,
silver and luminous,
growing more so
in the passage of years,
glowing more deeply
with that flowing liquid
that more and more fully
powers our being

This is the way to age —
as a tree ages —
this is the way to grow into ourselves,
dropping, with daily grace,
that which obstructs us,
comprised, more each moment,
of light.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 5, 2019


It’s not a case of truth winning —
truth is unopposed.
The lie may say it’s taking truth on,
the lie may brag about a battle,
but truth is never in a battle —
truth is unopposed

And as for you, your being
is ever, as it’s always been,
of truth. This truth you are
has never had to fight to be itself.
The truth you are
is ever unopposed.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 2, 2019

The Good You Are

The good you are
is so much bigger
than the little checkered parcels
that you tried to earn,
the sit still in your seat
do what the teacher says
kind of good

The good you are
is so much bigger
than what you hoped you might achieve
or what you hoped
to be accepted for

Note this: the good you are
could never dim out towards the edge,
could never fail to fill
every niche and corner of your being

The good you are
has no nemesis, no cavity.
It is not part of you — it’s everything —
all of you — clear, whole, free.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 31, 2019

New Sight

I will turn all the pictures in.
I will set my eyes to see
at cross dimensions,
in places that cut between,
that take the same colors
but make of them a wholly different story

Every story told in terms of good and bad
will change to true accounts of fine engagement —
they will sparkle easy grace
and glow with an intensity of depth,
they will shine with courage and surrender —
courage in how much we give for love,
surrender as we recognize
we never need to earn it

There won’t be anything there
that puts us in a bad light,
for there we will be seen for what we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 27, 2019

Lunch with God

You might go to sit down
and have lunch with God.
And it wouldn’t have to be different
from any other lunch — that is,
you can’t really have lunch
(or any moment) without God

You couldn’t have lunch
without life, without consciousness,
without some level of desire

These things are signs
of some much deeper
dimension of being,
that which moves you
at the very core

So if you pay attention —
if you really think these things through,
you’ll see you’re well companioned,
indeed, royally. And you can deeply savor
your lunch with God.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 25, 2019

Home Within

You come home to yourself
and you may realize
you didn’t need to play those games
of measuring, of shoring yourself up,
you didn’t need to feel attacked or slighted

The clarity you felt in moments
when you saw another from the inside,
when you understood a way of moving
in centered calm and mastery —

That’s you — and it can lead you
safely through the clouds of doubt,
it can deliver you
before you even fall into confusion

It is you, and you can stay there,
secure in what you ever more will be,
home in yourself, and royal
all along the colored roads of life.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 13, 2019

The object of our hope

What we’ve been taught to hope for
is so paltry, so far from being able
to deliver satisfaction, that it’s surprising
that we feel so disappointed
when those hopes are not fulfilled

If someone told you,
You can have the sky,
and free flight in it,
you can have fellowship
with all the thought, with all the music,
you can sing color and dance
the whole kaleidoscope of pattern,
would you believe them?

If someone told you,
You can be the love
that comprehends and celebrates
every small and large
impulse of being,
you can be the love that nurtures,
that engenders joy and exaltation,
would you embrace that hope?

Here is the voice telling you all that.
You don’t have to say if you believe it —
only notice if you want it.
That, eventually, will be clue enough.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 7, 2019