
Some seeds won’t sprout
in these conditions —
they’ll wait dormant
till things change,
and then, as saviors,
as tiny carriers of daring hope
of life’s return,
they’ll spring up, set their leaves,
and thrive

There may be parts of you
that haven’t sprouted,
and you may have wondered why —
perhaps you’ve doubted
life’s provision, or life’s wisdom,

But things may change
and suddenly you’ll find
a capability you never nurtured,
rising strong, growing apace
with all the needs of now,
blessing you, blessing everyone.

There’s room for all of your potential,
and it’s needed.
In its time
each gift will shine.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 10, 2013


the roar of my breathing,
more solid than the many thumps —
my heartbeat and its tributary pulses,
deeper than the image of myself
spread out along the sprawl
of my body,
is where I find my peace.

There is a quiet fire
that doesn’t even flicker
at the perturbation of yawns,
that isn’t damped
by the gathering of fog.
It warms my bones
and sets them secretly aglow
beneath my flesh,
around my silent core

And it will burn
throughout the hours of sleep,
delivering me sound
into the arms of dawn.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 19, 2013


(notes on the second summer five-women gathering)

Let us melt
into the soft, orgasmic
where everything that we’ve accumulated —
the triumphs and the woes,
the stories of what’s happened,
the win and lose of what we have become —
dissolve into imaginal potential
for our metamorphosis
into our own.

What we have called a false start
or called a failure,
or called a choice that didn’t do us good,
all serve as food for our unfoldment,
unmarred by scars from anything we’ve done.

Here in this company
we feel our wings expanding
just like our hearts
that hold each other whole —
the selves we own
by seeing them reflected
in kindred eyes that shine the light of Soul.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 10, 2013

No Regrets

No regrets
for life falls like water
down its course —
The same law always pulls us,
The same law always rights us —
What we choose in any instant
is the product
of precisely where we were,
and from precisely where we are
we always choose
what seems essential

No regrets
in the wild space of now,
suspended in air,
in vapor or in free fall,
in current or in back flow,
or sucked up in the taproot of a plant,
We still are held
in Life’s law,
and Life will always see us through.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 21, 2013


Moving beyond
the common daily round,
the obligations and the expectations,
Moving beyond the thought
of what I am, or how I seem,
I glimpse that if I ever feel a lack,
There’s always infinity

Always the infinite impulse of Life,
Always the fathomless reaches of Mind,
Always the vast, unmarked terrain
of every heart

And I can move beyond
the strictures that confine my thought
within the walls of what I call myself,
and all the troubles that entails —
I have infinity,
and that will always be enough.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 8, 2013

Spring Outlook

Everything has changed:
A keystone puzzle piece explaining everything,
Sun coming out bright after weeks of cold rain,
Warmth quickly filling the long-drained vessels
of human hope,
Brimming over in spontaneous smiles.

Nothing has changed:
All this time, buds were forming,
Plump potential taking shape as furled petals
Which now must open,
Green leaves growing from the draft of sweet sap
Which they make from sun
even in the fully shrouded days.

And this bright goodness —
The thing that fills me up with joy —
Why, it was here all along
The only difference is that now,
Despite all former lack of faith,
I know.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 24, 2013


There was never any question
of whether you would be loved,
Of whether everything you touch —
the air, the land, the sea, the living —
would move in joy to meet your presence
in every moment

There never was a question
whether you would bless each moment
by simply being,
For you were not created
separate from your essence
And you can’t exist
separate from your love.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 2, 2013


Sun shines clarity
through every vision.
Painted interplay of light
along the walls
brings out relationships
unseen in shade.
Earth warmth makes spirits rise
like air
in soft molecular expansion,
a floating in of possibilities
unconsidered hitherto.
It is enough to be here
basking in the magic
of the moment
while potent promises join hands
in co-creation of the gracious day.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 19, 2013


the greatest thing you’ve ever done
is to believe in someone.

the anchor of that trust
led someone’s roots
to the deep place of sustenance
where they could pull strength
steadily up into their being
springing forth in beauty and blessings.

the best thing you can do
is to believe in someone’s love
For in that flourishing
(the most fulfilling part of their unfolding)
You, too, may find the bounty
that nourishes and brightens
all your days.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 5, 2013

Time of lights

It could be Christmas
It could be solstice
It could be soft hope pumping
all but forgotten
Its steady pulse slowly reaffirming
to consciousness so long distracted
The light of our salvation
long through the dark enduring

Indeed, it is the darkest skies
that show the farthest stars
And deepest silence that reveals
the singing heart
It could be anywhere
It can be here
that sacred space is held
for the foreknown arising
of eternal dawn.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 15, 2012