Love, reconsidered

With everything in order
—all confusion put to bed—
it’s time to reconsider Love.
Love that shines from everywhere
to everywhere.  All points illumined
and illuminating.  Love that causes
everything, and stops at nothing.
Love that puts all stories of
a point-sourced love to rest;
Love that always blesses
and brings forth the best.
Love that lets no failing fester
but reveals
all that must be brought to light
and so be healed.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 28, 2012

Pool of Bethesda

(John 5: 1-9)

No angel at a certain season
guards the gate to wholeness
You don’t have to wait
until the water stirs
nor can the others
clambering before you
deprive you of your right
to stand up free.

Truth needs no conduit, no channel
no narrow source to shine its light
It pours forth spherical, eternal
Its reign established, sovereign and bright

(It has been said
To know the truth shall make you free
If this is true
It means that free is what you are
and isn’t something needing to be given
nor something you’re approaching from afar)

It is the same with love
(Please let my life be one that shows it)
No angel, bright or dark, can claim
it stands there to deliver or withhold it
No one can fail, right now
To be the miracle someone has ever sought
nor fail to see that they are loved
and so bestowed the peace that passes thought.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 21, 2012