
Here is the spiral that goes down
All the way in
Curling with you
the way you want to curl
Infinitely deep
till it touches
that point of satisfaction
where you wanted
to be touched

Here is the holding with you
that doesn’t care
what you said
That lets the hurled words
fall off like froth
And moves along the deeper layers —
the need beneath the words,
beneath the thought

We have all the time in the world
All the time to be comprehended
Down to the core
All the time to let
exquisite balance
assert itself
In which we can unite
in silent gyroscopic spin.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 6, 2013


Here is permission
To let your body move
Here is permission
To sink
To let your thoughts
sift down and settle into stillness
Here is permission
for the clear pool of yourself
to mirror back
the full depth of the moon.

Yes, you can speak from here
And yes, you can be heard —
There is no shallowness
in the expanse of sky that you reveal.
There is no limit
to what you find you know
There is no limit
to what you heal.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 26, 2013

To free your soul

OK, first
you have to get it to be still
for a while:
Bring your hands in gently
on its crazed, self-harming struggles
Hold it so close that it can’t flutter,
till it calms.

Then all the loud repeating voices
pacing through your consciousness
inciting one another to a greater din
will cease,
startled to silence by the pause within.

They will look on in awe
as you take your soul
cradling it
to the open window
Reach your hands outside
And let it go.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 11, 2013

Sea Change

Everything has changed
on the inside.
Though forms remain,
the structure
has been vivified.

What once was thought etheric
is seen to be more solid
(substance now defined by what’s alive)
And what we thought were bars
we now can see
are merely filterings and siftings
of the light.

What we once thought defined us
has shape-shifted with our spirit
And we see it sets no limits,
being infinite.

Everything has changed
on the inside.
Our step is free, 
our vistas wide,
Though if we turn around and look again,
we may know
This is how we’ve always been.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 7, 2013


As Cassandra knew,
Seeing someone’s future
is no more useful
than seeing someone’s problem —
You can’t tell them about it
Can’t get them to believe, or to reform

It shouldn’t be surprising —
No one else is different from ourselves
And we have always found
these resolutions to reform
to be contrary escalators 
Plunging downward
much more rapidly
than we can rise.

Close your eyes
The winter sun that sparkles on the water
Still flickers, strobe-like, underneath your lids
The light still loves you,
Still knows how to touch
each dream that you, from fear of failure, hid
Your truth still owns you, and it knows
how every part of you is put together
Already worthy, cherished, ever whole
Not needing harsh reform to make you better
No need to reinvent yourself, no way to fall
And as it is with us
it is with all.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 1, 2013

I shall rise up

I shall rise up
Not with bravado
Not with self assurance, certainty
Not with something to proclaim to others

Before the rising there will be
A coalescing
A gentle gathering of many particles
A condensation and a flowing down
A pooling in the lowest, stillest place I am

And I shall rise up
Seed swelling, irrepressible necessity
will send a root first, downward as an anchor
And that in me which needs to feel the bright of day
will spring forth
to be greened.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 11, 2012


Gratitude is stronger than pain
Like bright sunlight, it flows forth
Outshining the burred edges
of stress, of fear
of tiresome perturbations

Gratitude is stronger than the manager
Who posits reasons I must suffer
Bargains me away in its strong zeal for condemnation
Tells me why I must be being punished

Gratitude releases me
from the harsh sentence
cast by the rasp of complaint
on my day
Gratitude fills me,
Lifts me up, holds me
Sets me with grace on a lovelier way.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 22, 2012

Prayer for Now

In the deepening clarity
of your light
A new conception dawns
upon my sight
My focus shifts —
a sharper definition —
A measure of the pressure lifts
and I feel richer

There is no mindless wave
No storm
to roil me in its sharp relentless flailing
There is no course that I must follow
leading through a time of pain and ailing

The now belongs to you
And so, as well, to me
It is my nature to express it fully
Your law is steady, true
My being — peaceful, pure and holy
And all of my perception
must feel this and conform
My times are yours
and it’s your love
that holds me hale and warm.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 19, 2012

Seeking Peace

Time to let the clamor cease —
all the chatter, all the different voices
who insist they have a right
to say their piece
Claim to speak for formidable forces

They don’t have a solution
They are only looping
words to give illusion of some substance
a sense of presence out of much rushing
But there’s nothing
Nothing true in anything they say

Spirit, tonight
You take over
Burn your clear light
through all my mental clutter
all that complains and mutters of discomfort
all that claims decline and disappointment

Instead, Spirit
You speak for me
You bear witness to the one
that you created me to be
Brimming with your power and your light
Shining forth your calmness through the night.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 18, 2012

Prayer for myself

Fear not, little one
You aren’t responsible
for imaging yourself
It’s not your thoughts
that make you ill 
It’s not your thoughts
that make you whole
It’s not that you must find
some secret button to control
the things you feel and manifest today

The Love that heals you
is its own bright, steady source
It reveals you
and sets you on your course
And you can feel
its tender, cleansing touch
You’ll know it’s real
You’ll know it is enough
Fear not, for every cell of you is held
in perfect calm, 
serenely peaceful, well.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 14, 2012