Spirit Home

This is where our spirits fly
when they need to be at home,
when they need to be seen,
when they need to stretch out
along the lines of one another,
need to glide in the steady intention
of time-lapsed clouds and plants,
ever attending the trend of our merging,
in sinuous touch of this moment emerging

This is the nest of spirit home
feathered with gifts we each have grown,
welcoming each, in touch and song,
making each shining our own.

©Wendy Mulhern
May 22, 2013


In this moment,

Nominally evening, 
Though bright green leaves outside
show no sign of gloaming,
In a state of pleasant tiredness
in the swing chair, swinging
I reflect that I’m delighting in a harvest.

This is harvest of a dream,
Planted more than twenty years ago
Harvest of a vision for this kind of space and peace,
Proof that things I plant as dear desires
Have their own life

That, absent any tending on my part
They still take root and grow
alongside every other hope
I may or may not notice
And bear their unassuming fruit
Which I may reap
by noting them with gratitude
Which lets me keep
with joy to which each harvest must give rise:
this blessing that now swings before my eyes.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 29, 2013


Though I have been distracted
by all these thoughtscapes
with their shifting edges
and their treacherous crevasses —
cliff faces thrust up suddenly,
clefts and foldings that engulf
huge chunks of time —

Though I’ve been distracted by
considerations of relative fortune,
and what is given
and what is owed,
evaluations of trusts and loyalties,
and what’s conjectured
and what is known,

Today I stop,
to let my thought sink down,
steady as a stone,
to its home
where I know 
none of these thoughtscapes ever mattered —
They have no weight, no substance,
no attraction
and they can’t distract me anymore.

Today I dedicate myself again
to the pre-time worth
of everything we are,
the silent eloquence
of every vital heart,
our precious heat,
our unremitting glow.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 1, 2013

Going home

I was driving home from dance
and the traffic lights
(red, also in the random droplets
on my windshield)
swayed in the wind —
A gentle undulation
in perfect time
with the shimmery piano music
in my car.
And I could see the music everywhere —
In the slow glide of lights,
and the orchestrated movement
of the traffic.
And in my breath
was the scent
of many people
with whom I’d shared the magic
of the dance.
Going home,
and taking with me
what my body, grateful,
once again had found:
The matrix of connection
and its sweet embrace
that holds us in the music
all the time.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 5, 2013


By your light I am illumined,
By your grace, I’m magnified;
By the gift of your unmuted shining,
I’m enriched beyond all swift surprise.

By your listening ears my voice is called;
By your dance, my eager spirit leaps;
To your song, my own tone rises up
to hum, to tune, to blend with your clear voice.

How can I then describe
what this has meant?
(A glimpse enough to open up a world)
— a treasure that I never could imagine
or invent —
Such wonder now evoked!
Such potency revealed!

©Wendy Mulhern
February 3, 2013


Gratitude is stronger than pain
Like bright sunlight, it flows forth
Outshining the burred edges
of stress, of fear
of tiresome perturbations

Gratitude is stronger than the manager
Who posits reasons I must suffer
Bargains me away in its strong zeal for condemnation
Tells me why I must be being punished

Gratitude releases me
from the harsh sentence
cast by the rasp of complaint
on my day
Gratitude fills me,
Lifts me up, holds me
Sets me with grace on a lovelier way.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 22, 2012

The love that you are

The love that you are
exists independent of anything —
of circumstances, of conditions
of approval, recognition
or of prowess, erudition
or credentials, or permission

The love that you are
floats inside
in silent singing jubilation —
unexpected gratitude
that flows in constant circles
through your being,
bubbles up
like ancient water springs
quenches all your thirst for being seen
and known as worthy

The love that I am
sees this, thanks you —
you and the love that you are.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 28, 2012


How did I get so lucky
as to have these friends?
— These ones that I can sit with
in a late night cafe bar
(jukebox playing loud beside us)
This one who is an angel
This one who is so brave
And I can be here on this rainy night
embraced in brightness 
feeling so at home

How am I so blessed?
— To feel so known and loved
after all these years
To be no longer hiding
No longer silent
in voice or body
No longer separated by those awkward masks
But here and now
to be just me, with them, at last.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 27, 2012

Regarding Hunger

No, really —
Who am I to write about hunger?
— I who have never been more than eight hours
without access to food?
Who am I to write about hunger?
— I who have always had time to search
for my soul’s fulfillment?

I can only say
There is a kind of hunger
that doesn’t go away
from having my belly full
There is a kind 
that grows in strength the more I feed it
And there’s a kind of satisfaction
that flies along at the exact place of its hunger
Soars in comfort
Meeting the edge before it cuts
Carving its curve again and again
like a cresting wave
Drawing a fine calligraphic line
across the page of days
Filling up my heart until it bursts
Warbling praise.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 16, 2012


This traffic
And this rain
And this pink-lined GPS
that shows me not moving
and may be telling me a bogus route
In any way
obstruct the truth
of who and what and where I am

I am here
in the presence of peace
in the unfolding of Life
which ever takes
every sunlit and rain-drenched shaft of straw
and weaves
shimmering resplendent gold

Gold of liquid joy-filled richness
Gold of fine illumination
Gold of glowing moments and their memories
Lifting lilting luminosity
into all that’s here
Holding it eternal
where we are.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 4, 2012