
There is therefore now
no condemnation,
no contamination,
no contempt,
no fall, no exile, no complaint,
and no damnation

No one in the realm of Truth
has ever left it,
and there’s no other realm
where we could live —
we can’t condemn,
nor can we be condemned,
for we are loved —
our name is clear
as it has always been.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 11, 2019

The Glow of Presence

As soon as I pull myself
out of the fray
and give myself enough time
for things to settle,
the glow of presence
makes itself known,
fresh and still as morning

Called to account for it
I’m rendered silent
but the lift that cleaves to soaring wings
attests to the same presence
that bears me ever up.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 27, 2019

Harvest Now

Lest I be overwhelmed
by edges, the places beyond which
I cannot know

Lest I toss my anchor
into shrouded future
and be pulled on and down
into its undertow

Let me stay firm,
focused on here and now,
let me find the depth
of what I do understand —
what I experience,
what I can harvest
as surely in this winter
as many seasons later.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 15, 2019


Let my thought lift
like vapor at morning light,
separating, rising from the earth,
let my concerns disperse
in the sun’s clear radiance

I don’t need heaviness,
I don’t need worry,
don’t need to hold on to everything —
That which will bless me,
that which I am,
rests light as sunshine
on my head.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 21, 2018

Winter Solstice Ride

Maybe there isn’t an easy way.
Maybe my journey forward
is long and hard. My joy, though,
is that there is a way,
and I can take it on

Today the winter solstice sun
has shined its gift, benevolent,
while rays of clouds assembled
the day before the storm

The sea, surprising in its paleness,
has given illustration:
this is the light, so live in it,
filled, transparent, humble, vast

The rain that comes tomorrow,
will offer its own gifts. If I can stay
reflective, true, responsive, kind,
I’ll know where next to set my foot
and that will be enough.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 20, 2018

Look Up

Look up, little one —
there is a light to guide you
through the wistful night,
through the longing day

There is a place you are received
and not just at the end
of a long and lonely span

Your reception is right here, right now,
in the ever-present truth about your being
(a truth that never leaves you,
being immanently what you are)

It touches in
to the infinity that fuels your presence,
releases grace into your day,
robes you in its royal essence,
lights up everything
along your way.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 14, 2018

A Touch of Grace

And if you feel you can’t forgive,
can’t be forgiven,
if barbs from old stings
tear at your flesh,
let that body go —
it was never any more
than just a dream

Whatever scars it has
will melt away, along with
all its trappings of identity.
The memories it holds
that waited to be triggered
will melt as well, giving place
to what has longed to waken
to the touch of grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 30, 2018

A Place for You

There is a place for you,
a gentle, easy place,
a place with no relation
to what or where you’ve been

There is a place where
you won’t even remember
what it was to worry,
what it was to wait to be accepted

All you thought you wanted
falls like sticks before a flood,
before the welling up
of your true unleashed desire

You can breathe it
and also drink it
and it takes you down
to the place that you’ve been longing for,
the place that has so long awaited you.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 28, 2018

Can you feel it?

Can you feel what holds you
as well as these birds can,
diving and darting fearlessly
from the tall trees?

Can you feel it bear you up? —
such a gentle touch, with room for air
between your feathers —
room for you to breathe
but not to fall

Hold still, and see if you can feel it
guiding your steps, your work, your thoughts,
ever in the place where the bright surge
of joy, of life,
pours clearest through your being.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 30, 2018