
The wings set down in slow motion,
the beat, the beat, the fold,
the shift from flight to stationary balance,
a daily sight, a wonder to behold

And may the wings of my great aspiration
stretch out from stillness in the morning air
to gather wind beneath them and pump higher,
and take my wonder with them everywhere.

©Wendy Mulhern
February 28, 2023

Still me

After a day of distracting myself,
it’s a delicate process
to get back to the truth points
now folded under what I pulled up
spending way too long
with my old journals,
and the wordless hum of daily tasks,
but I will find them

This morning I woke up
luxuriously relaxed
from dreams of flying
and filling with sound

And I see that I was still me
back in those old journaled days
just as I was me
in those free flights.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 15, 2022


The entire world
and how I know it,
and how it knows me,
may be something completely other
than what I suppose,
but the ability to finally
get the air under my wings
and hold myself aloft in dreams
brings a state of relaxation
with enough renewal in it
to bring enchantment
to my vision of the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
October 3, 2022

My Flight

If birds pray by flying ….
I don’t know they do
but I know I would,
my wings receiving
the subtle currents of the air,
my whole self resting in its cushion,
the lift revealed, the vistas swift unfolding,
my pinions understanding

Yes, I would fly, and let my flight be prayer,
I would pray, and let my prayer be art.
Let me ride the winds of exaltation
wherever you may want me to explore.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 10, 2020

Every Flight

No flight is without grace.
Though raucous caws may mark
disputings, though there may be
ungainly pecking orders, ruffled feathers

Still each one finds the gentle cushion
in the rush of forces they are one with
as they rise and dip with expertise
and no negotiation,
casting themselves effortlessly
into the stream, borne up
just as they expect

The scheme of everything
holds each in place,
no flight, however brief,
is without grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 7, 2017

Flying Lesson

flying lesson

I knew from dreams
that it would be effortless,
guided by thought and not mechanics,
and that every cell of me
would be awakened, would be exclaiming,
over and over, how free, how right, this feels

I knew that there would be no fear.
I knew I’d feel companioned,
so closely held and guided
by the Truth with which I gratefully commune.
I knew I wanted this, with all my being

What I didn’t know
was how close at hand this is —
not something lost to me
(at least until I walk a span
wherein I am defined
by some corporeality,
wherein I am confined to tracing
mostly pre-determined, fear-laced paths,
wearily, from birth to certain death)

I didn’t know I didn’t have to wait —
that this reality of who I am,
equipped and fully knowing flight,
has been here all along,
simply awaiting my lift-off.

©Wendy Mulhern
September 24, 2015