
I can be patient. I can reweave the web of
no way to be afraid
as often as I need to.
Reweaving does not connote failure  –
it is appropriate to do it every day,
to take the bright new thoughts
and prove what they can add –
how they become the surface that I walk on,
the new fearlessness each moment offers,
rewoven into  power for the day.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 22, 2023

No Fear

Contrary to popular lore
(I must remind myself)
fearlessness is not irresponsible

I am not required
to file dutifully
through the ugly predictions,
the “realistic” expectations
which have nothing to do,
ever or finally,
with the substance of what we are

It is not irresponsible
to be unimpressed, to be uncowed,
to know the fire within us
is far greater
than what might come to take us out,
that they which be with us
(the Spirit and the Life)
are more than anything that seeks
to them us in.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 14, 2022

Power, and love, and a sound mind

As I begin to recognize my spirit,
see how it grows and moves,
distinguish it
from other things it seems to grow among

As I begin to see
Spirit as the only source
of who I am, begin to exercise it
as a sound mind

It’s easier to see
how fully fraudulent is fear,
how broad the claims it makes on me,
all illegitimate

I claim my power
and I claim my love,
and they, in turn, provide protection,
I claim my mind as guided from above
and touch, in awe, a shimmering perfection.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 8, 2022


They wake up to fearlessness
amazed by the weight of it,
or is it weightlessness?
— subtle perfection of balance
allowing their hands
to move with precision
accomplishing everything deftly

They wake up to fearlessness
awed by the sound of it,
or is it silence? — the absence
of voices predicting their downfall,
the chorus of joy at their presence

They wake up to fearlessness
one more time — they imagine
never forgetting again
the full-hearted peace
where no demons can even
occur to them — everything given
to bliss.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 3, 2019

A Lightening

I sense now, in many,
a learning to yearn
for a freedom of being
that lives beyond fear,
leaning into their hope
and their imagination
for the wide open space
where their essence
is unassailable,
thus lightening the field,
allowing room, here, for more people,
if not in the certainty of believing,
still in the place of admitting:
this is something that I want,
this is something that I am.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 8, 2019