Any snag
in the loops of dream
can start your liberation
Though the smooth weave
you worked so hard to fashion
is now puckered,
Though gaping holes have opened
in your plans,
Though you feel tripped up, tangled
and abandoned,
Look up, for none of this
is what it seems
This is not the rupture of your good,
This is your revelation.
This is the way out
from your hard and dull pursuits,
This can begin your transformation
Look through —
There is a deeper order
that doesn’t run at odds
with who you long to be,
There’s an awakening
from toilsome drudgery,
There’s a release,
a time you see
There’s no need to go back and make repairs.
You never need to tend that dream again,
for you are free
©Wendy Mulhern
June 30, 2014