The day flirts with snow

The day flirts with snow —
In the morning, lets some fall,
though it’s far too warm for it to stick;
In the dimming afternoon,
sports a portentous light
in the pockets of the clouds —
Shades of blue and cream 
between the stark, bare limbs of trees,
that calls for snow.

There is some sense of magic
in the stillness
where, at their tips
the white pine’s needles hold their muted pearls,
that makes me hope
for that white transformation
that stops time,
Makes me catch my breath
in the freshness and the sweetness
of the now.

The day flirts with snow —
It won’t deliver
But at least it kissed my soul
with its bright shiver.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 10, 2013


As Cassandra knew,
Seeing someone’s future
is no more useful
than seeing someone’s problem —
You can’t tell them about it
Can’t get them to believe, or to reform

It shouldn’t be surprising —
No one else is different from ourselves
And we have always found
these resolutions to reform
to be contrary escalators 
Plunging downward
much more rapidly
than we can rise.

Close your eyes
The winter sun that sparkles on the water
Still flickers, strobe-like, underneath your lids
The light still loves you,
Still knows how to touch
each dream that you, from fear of failure, hid
Your truth still owns you, and it knows
how every part of you is put together
Already worthy, cherished, ever whole
Not needing harsh reform to make you better
No need to reinvent yourself, no way to fall
And as it is with us
it is with all.

©Wendy Mulhern
January 1, 2013

One Thing

The things I don’t understand
are myriad
I forget that, sometimes.
I forget it when I’m flying
When I’m swooping
When I’m surfing on the joy of life

It’s when I find myself in the morass
Churning, flailing
That all my simple answers seem
like the fur of a dowsed cat
Exposing scrawny neck and bony frame
No longer capable of warming
Void of the buoyancy required
to lift me out

But then
Whenever did my flight
rely on my own knowledge?
Maybe it doesn’t matter
what I don’t understand
Maybe I only need to know
One thing.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 18, 2012

Course correction

It’s OK
There’s more truth
in those three hugs
and their memories
than in all the dread
attempting to array itself
against your coming day
There’s more truth
in those strong smiles
than in the sense of many looming tasks

The truth in every now
outshines the constructs of tomorrow
There’s no trouble
that you ever have to borrow
Every moment
brings its own illumination
So you never need to wander
in the dark.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 2, 2012

Application Deadlines

You can’t make things be
what they’re not
You can’t make a stream
run faster down its course
rapid or languid as the fall line designates
You can’t make the clouds
configure themselves
into neat, ordered little puffs

And we can’t make our son
hop to, conform, align
when all his atoms stretch
along some still-unmarked direction
as he charts the constellations
of his singular universe

there will be hoops to jump through
See how he bends his lanky form
to condescending depths
and somehow manages to find some grace
complying with the needed tasks

Some things fall behind
and yet we can be sure
Everything that’s really part of him
will find a way to flourish,
to endure.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 27, 2012


Retreated here from all activities
So many proffered offerings
roll by like water
The waves of doing things —
Fun and togetherness —
(photos as proof)
thunder over my head
and are gone
There’s hardly even
space for regret
deep, as I am
under the turbulence
where it is still
and I am still waiting 
for the internal calm.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 23, 2012


I like
the color that shows
between my toes
the warm burnished glow
of wood tone touched with orange light
which also laps its sumptuous tint
across my instep
and licks my toes, at their curling tips

No color stands alone
They all throw their reflections on each other
I see the orange, the green, the red
silent and smooth, caressing every surface
I gaze, transfixed
at what I would have called one tone
But they are many
All mixed
Repeated on my feet, the door, the wall
Each different colored thing
shares the same palette
to harmonize and unify them all.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 20, 2012


So I want to tell you about this
This catching of my heel up
in the turbulence
The drag I felt
The downward pull so strong, so fierce
I thought it would engulf me

I want to tell you because then
I saw your face
I thought of how you’ve spoken
of waking to a sense of dread
I thought then
that I maybe understood

And when I took myself in hand
Began the fight
I felt you there
For you have fought for this before
So as I fought
I fought for you as well:

No, I won’t be taken in
I won’t succumb
I won’t allow the dread to win
in me or anyone
I’ll stand for me, I’ll stand for us
and when I overcome
I’ll bring the sweetness back for us to share.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 13, 2012


We are not hardened yet for winter
though it is November
and trees stand almost bare
and though each day is noticeably shorter
The frost on roofs this morning
met us unprepared
Our bones felt cold,
our flesh tensed up against them

We are not hardened yet for winter
though it’s not as cold as it will get
We have the heat turned up
inside our cozy house
And we turn back like cats
when we go out
No saunters on the sand today —
A brisk walk is required
And even short forays outside
have left us tired

We are not hardened yet for winter
But soon
we’ll open up our doors to what it gives
Feel the brisk cleansing of its mountain breath
that, summoning our inner fires,
calls us to live.

©Wendy Mulhern
November 10, 2012