My Bicycle’s Rhythms Make Songs for Me

(which sing to me while I am resting)

The one to the many,
the many to one,
a way to find livelihood
under this sun
and still have integrity
when you are done —
it’s a puzzle, yes it’s a puzzle

The guy on the trail
with a guitar and flute
must have found a nook somewhere
along the slough,
I hear snatches of singing wafting down,
twangy, not clearly in tune

I’m charmed by the willow and wind,
fronds with their soft invitation,
decorous, gentle, still leaving distance,
me hoping they will swing closer

Some big fish
makes mysterious flops
in the water —
the ripples are dancing,
the shadows are, too —
as for me, it’s time to head home.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 24, 2017

Crisis at the Poem Front

Yesterday I thought
What if I stopped?
What if I just didn’t
write any more poems?

Why do I do this?
Who do I do it for?
What if, finally, after
almost seven years,
I’ve run out of juice?

What if, in fact,
I ran out some time ago
and the words have just been
limping along, because they’re
used to it, and don’t really know
what else to do?

So I considered
the release of not needing
to find my daily poem,
at least, not needing to
because of some agreement
that I made

I think the words
would miss each other
if they didn’t come together.
I think I would miss them
if they were gone.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 19, 2017

Past the Midpoint

Ducks meander by the muddy bank
in the milfoiled water
breaking up reflections
with their Vs and circling ripples

The day’s gray stillness
amplifies the sound of engines.
Small birds chirp
under that canopy,
detritus of mindlessness

We, too, chirp on,
as if we had no part
in the grand clearing,
as if (as indeed)
all we have is today.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 17, 2017


Too long I have been sucking on
the sugar-water, straining for the
drug of fulfillment, threading through
the tightly wound dendritic channels
of what I thought of
as my heart and soul
but really was the craving
of a self-looped story
for its own rehashing,
for its expected end

Too long I’ve acted, feeling
that I had no choice,
in modes of movement
that kicked me into corners
with stagnant air that I could barely breathe

And though I feel I’d need to throw out everything
to leave it, (everything! — my friends, my loves,
my sense of worth and purpose)
I’m also sensing this is what I need to do —
free fall at the mercy
of what I hope will bear me up
so I can be lifted,
so I can be real.

©Wendy Mulhern
August 16, 2017

On the sidewalk benches at the local pub

At my first impression she was
fragile as paper, and I wondered
how she could settle in
to any kind of a life
like that, with so little
to be solid in

But then my husband
asked her a question
and we broke through the bubble
to find someone eager to connect
someone we might see again
and wave, and maybe even talk with

And maybe most people
are hard to know deeply
and maybe most of us have
our quirks that make us
hard to live with. But maybe
what matters is less
what we might be, and more
what we might be together.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 30, 2017


Light falls across your face
as trees outside sift sun
through their low branches

Late afternoon finds us here
refreshed, at peace, settled
into what has been revealed today
of steady power, solid strength,

In the end, we can only be
true, we can only emanate
what we really are.
We learn it here, in the centered
witnessing of each other.
We learn it here
in what we see
and what we give.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 24, 2017

Today’s Marvels

The first ripe plum
from our tree —
juicy, sweet, tangy, sour,
the birds that flit from fir to cedar
as they darken (birds and trees)
while the sky is still full of light,
summer laughter of children
in the next block,
the scent of buddleia in the evening air

These, and the slow progress
through the tasks,
the tasks of learning,
the tasks of growth.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 21, 2017

Counting Costs

In important moments
we realize
we have gone forward
without counting the cost —
something has overridden
all our cautious tallying

In these moments we find
a profound momentum
as the continuing imperative
takes over
everything we normally judge by

Afterwards we may consider
it never makes sense to count the cost
for there is no price
that can be put on living.

©Wendy Mulhern
July 5, 2017

A Word

And as to why a word would lurk,
coming to mind, out of context,
amid no other thoughts,
I had no notion

But there it was again,
“spavined” — a word
I’ve never used,
a word I had to look up
when I found it
in someone else’s poem

Not that there’s no context
for such a word
in details of my life
but just — I wasn’t thinking it
yet there it was.

So this time I considered,
maybe this word has come to mind
for something in my life desiring soothing,
something wanting affirmation, not disposal,
something I can lift to be redeemed

In the simple, sweet, and peaceful way
of all redemption,
in the way of
“ask, and you receive.”

©Wendy Mulhern
June 20, 2017


And if the hum of every day,
well-oiled or creaky, loud or quiet,
should lull you into thinking
this is all you get

Step back, look deeper —
There is no engine here
except the bright desire of Life,
intense, unquenched,
coursing with strength

that can lift you
bounding over crowns of hills,
leaping sure-footed
among the crags,
soaring, glowing,
above the clouds

You need not settle
for a plodding pace
for you are powered
by life, by grace.

©Wendy Mulhern
June 14, 2017