
I suddenly find myself
on this strange bus,
memories and old connections
blinking through like lights through moving windows,
phantom reflections easily
plowing into the opposite lane,
and though I mostly
parse these images with no concern,
I also notice their entraining lap,
kaleidoscope of worlds
in orderly collision,
ways we see our lives
along this ride.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 30, 2023


I find myself connected
as paths fan out dendritic
like breath within, like hyphae,
like the T in Boston

I find myself suffused with such affection
as this life moves through me,
filling and sustaining me,
the lines of generations
deepening connection,
the web of shared perception
annulling time.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 14, 2023

My Mom Visits

These rhythms run so deep.
Beneath my conscious thought or gesture,
mine and yours have found each other
before I even noticed they were there

It could be our own private world,
could be what marks us as bone of bones.
It’s easy to fall into patterns
where these lines so seamlessly flow

Could be I come by that honest –
these ways I am me,
these things others see,
and it could be these rhythms
are how we’re entrained
to the grand sweeping rhythm of All.

©Wendy Mulhern
March 15, 2023


Thick frost crystals after a starry night,
guests  with smiles and eyes that dance with light,
a joy that seems to stream from nowhere
in every gathering of life

I strive to find the right words,
line up the meanings and the feelings
so my intent to bless may be believed,
the whole cloth of my thought received

And in this offering and its reception,
our energy is multiplied  –
this is a key to ending lack,
with every  need for every life supplied.

©Wendy Mulhern
December 18, 2022


Life is always knitting things together —
pick up an old mat, and you’ll find
many things have taken up shop,
habitats of dark and moist
created in the hidden spaces,
roots and mycelium, pill bugs, spiders,
the smell of earth

Pick up anything that’s been in place awhile
and you’ll find unexpected emotions,
sticky at your throat and maybe
behind your eyes —
your caring has set up shop
under your awareness
because life is like that

You will still leave
(life is like that, too)
but not without feeling
the many ways you were connected
but never knew.

©Wendy Mulhern
April 27, 2017